Women's Health

Women's Health

Support research excellence in women's health

Building on the legacy of Professor Sir Dugald Baird, the University of Aberdeen is aiming to help people live healthier, happier and longer lives by vastly enhancing our research capability in the area of women's health.

However, we need your help.

Women's healthcare has changed dramatically in the past 50 years - but there are still significant risks to women's health and the health of their children, from fertility through pregnancy to childcare, motherhood and beyond. With the launch of a major fundraising campaign, we are aiming to ensure that fewer women and their children are put at risk.

You can help us both vastly improve care and minimise the risks by supporting our research.

The new purpose-built Baird Family Hospital will provide fantastic opportunities and facilities to help us advance our pioneering research. Your support will enable us to have a global research impact by attracting and retaining the very best academic and clinical staff, ultimately leading to excellent patient care in the area of women's health.

Please support this hugely important research now by clicking 'DONATE NOW' to give online today or contact Katrina Allan, Interim Head of Philanthropy on +44 (0) 1224 272097 or email katrina.allan@abdn.ac.uk.

Thank you.

Professor Sir Dugald Baird

Professor Sir Dugald Baird was a pioneer in the area of women's health. He was Regius Professor of Midwifery in Aberdeen from 1937 to 1965. During this time he transformed the obstetric services such that for a time Aberdeen had the best birth outcomes in the UK, and among the best in Europe.

He was the first to show the huge effect of social factors on obstetric outcome and was a strong supporter of fertility control and reproductive rights for women. Under his leadership Aberdeen became a Mecca for obstetric practice and research. In recognition of the contribution made to health by the Baird family over many years in Aberdeen and elsewhere in Scotland, the new hospital in Aberdeen will be named the Baird Family Hospital. This new hospital will include maternity, gynaecology, breast screening and breast surgery services. It will also include a neonatal unit, centre for reproductive medicine, and research and teaching facilities.