Osteoarthritis Research

Osteoarthritis Research

Professor Cosimo De BariOsteoarthritis is a progressive and disabling joint disease that accounts for two-thirds of all cases of arthritis, affecting over 8 million people in the UK. This is not just normal wear and tear but a clinically-diagnosed disease which, if left untreated, severely affects a patient's quality of life. Treatments are so limited that often major surgery is the only option.

Enhancing osteoarthritis research at the University of Aberdeen will help avoid the need for surgery by finding ways to treat the disease at the earliest opportunity, providing a brighter future for the 8 million plus sufferers in the UK.

Our ambitious, multidisciplinary research aims to revolutionise the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis at an early stage in two ways. Firstly by identifying and categorising the many different types of osteoarthritis and how to diagnose them at the earliest possible stage before irreversible tissue damage has occurred. Secondly by developing and testing treatments and therapies, such as exercise, that are specific to each type of the disease.

Your support will enable us to:

  • focus on early intervention to prevent joints from deteriorating 'beyond the point of no return'
  • investigate and categorise the different types of early osteoarthritis and work to develop bespoke treatments for each
  • usher in a new era in the treatment of osteoarthritis, providing personalised approaches and matching individuals with appropriate therapies
  • improve patient care and enhance quality of life

To support osteoarthritis research today please click 'Donate Now' at the top of the page. To discuss how you would like to support us or to arrange a tour of our research facilities please telephone Myra Matthews, Head of Philanthropy on +44 (0) 1224 274565 or email myra.matthews@abdn.ac.uk.

Thank you.

“The Aberdeen Centre for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Health enables innovative interdisciplinary clinical, research and training activities at the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian. We are working together to improve the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. Research in the Centre investigates the role that stem cells (the cells that can form new joint tissues) play in joint health and osteoarthritis. This knowledge will help devise new treatments for osteoarthritis by harnessing the ability of the stem cells to maintain and repair joints. All the support we receive from donors helps us enormously as we strive to help people with these horrible conditions.” Professor Cosimo De Bari, Professor of Translational Medicine & Hon Consultant Rheumatologist, University of Aberdeen

Find out more about the Aberdeen Centre for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Health.