Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis

With the average age of death under 30 years old, cystic fibrosis is a cruel disease which causes horrible symptoms for children and young people worldwide. It is the most common genetically inherited disease in western populations with over 2.5 million people in the UK carrying the gene that causes it.

The University of Aberdeen is making huge advances with its cystic fibrosis research and you can help.

Support Chloe's Fund

After losing their daughter Chloe to cystic fibrosis, Professor Tom Baxter and his wife Grace wanted to support the research being undertaken at the University of Aberdeen. With the help of Chloe's consultant, Professor Graham Devereux, they established Chloe's Fund in memory of their daughter and this has enabled the University to recruit PhD students to undertake cystic fibrosis research over a number of years.

Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in a gene called CFTR and, while treatments have improved since the introduction of CFTR modulators, their effects on the immune system are not fully understood. Current PhD student Elisia Josiah is working alongside Professor Heather Wilson to explore how these CFTR modulators influence the immune response in cells which play a crucial role in fighting off infections in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Ultimately, this research could pave the way for new therapeutic strategies that not only correct the underlying genetic defect, but also bolster the body's natural defences against infections.

Your support of Chloe's Fund is essential to improve the treatment of cystic fibrosis and ultimately to help find a cure for this cruel disease. Click the 'Donate Now' button left to give today.