DT Student Experience Fund

DT Student Experience Fund

'Helping you live student life to the full'

From sports bursaries to student cafes, the Chamber Choir to the Shinty Club, the DT Student Experience Fund is here to help. Are you working on a project that will enhance the student experience at the University of Aberdeen? Perhaps you and your friends have an innovative and exciting idea for students but are unsure of how to fund it. By sharing your idea or project with the University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO you could qualify for up to £5,000 of funding.

Here members of the University Chapel Choir tell us how they have benefited from the Fund.

Every year the Development Trust SCIO gives tens of thousands of pounds to the Student Fund and to student clubs and societies through AUSA. We are committed to supporting initiatives which help you to live student life to the full. Extra-curricular activities and student support initiatives are an important part of your university experience. Thanks to generous donations made by alumni, parents and friends of the University, we can help you broaden your horizons by supporting activities, trips and services both on and off campus.

To find out more about some of the projects that have been funded in the past, please click here.