Athena SWAN

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Athena SWAN

As part of the University's commitment to promoting gender equality, the School of Geosciences was awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze award in April 2018. We are currently working towards the Bronze renewal. Athena SWAN awards recognize the commitment and pro-active actions of higher education institutions and departments to advance gender equality.

The Athena SWAN Charter, launched in 2005, evolved from work between the Athena Project and the Scientific Women's Academic Network (SWAN), to advance the representation of women in science, engineering and technology (SET) in higher education and research.

Geosciences fieldwork

Athena SWAN Charter beliefs

  • The advancement of Science, Engineering and Technology subjects is fundamental to quality of life across the world.
  • It is vitally important that women are adequately represented in what has traditionally been, and is still, a male-dominated area.
  • Science cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of the whole population, and until women and men can benefit equally from the opportunities it affords.

What is the School of Geosciences doing about Athena SWAN?

Our work towards an Athena SWAN award will address things such as: student achievement; progression of women to further study; recruitment and promotion of women; and the contribution of women to School management. Moreover, the exercise provides an opportunity to enhance all aspects of equality and diversity within the School, and to ensure that all staff and students work in an inclusive, supportive environment.

To guide the application process, a School of Geosciences self-assessment team (SAT) has been put together comprising staff and students.

Name Designation
Elisabeth Niklasson SAT Lead
Shaktiman Singh EDI Lead
Dave Muirhead Head of School
Lorna Philip Member
David Jolley Member
Lydia Sam Member
Malcolm Hole Member
Josie Geris Member
Deniz Cem Gülen Member
Kora Ross Member

Further information

Equality Challenge Unit

Athena SWAN at the University of Aberdeen