Page 3 of 1521 to 30 of 143 Past Events
NARSS: Gesa Mackenthun
-This event was cancelled
An academic polymath Gesa Mackenthun (Rostock) will speak on a topic that will touch upon the past and the present, North America, heritage and the world.
NARSS: Linus Girdland Flink.
-This event was cancelled
Aberdeen's own Linus Girdland Flink, new lecturer in Ancient Biomolocules will speak.
NARSS: Jennifer Jones, 'Surviving the Ice Age: Adaptability, Resilience and Environmental buffering in a LGM Spanish refugium'
-Jennifer Jones (Santander) says "It's about reconstructing Last Glacial maximum environmental conditions in the Cantabrian Refugium, to explore how it helped people and animals to survive there, and why it was so heavily occupied. It's isotope heavy, so definitely a crowd pleaser."
NARSS: Chris Fowler, 'Interpreting change and diversity in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age mortuary practices of northeast England'
-This event was cancelled
Chris Fowler (Newcastle) will speak on osteoarchaeology and perhaps Neolithic tombs.
NARSS: Kate Franklin, 'Living the Silk Road everyday: archaeological research in medieval Armenia'
-How do we live global cultures in the everyday? This talk will look briefly at my research in Armenia and explore how the everyday and the global were co-constructed in the middle ages (12th to 15th centuries AD). I will lay out the question of a ‘Silk Road archaeology’ as...
NARSS: Elisabeth Niklasson,'Parallel pasts: archaeology and heritage policy in the EU'
-The story of how the European Union, thrust into being without a past of its own, set out to create one, and how it went slightly awry.
NARSS: Richard Madgwick, 'Iron Age mortuary rites in southwest Britain: A multi-scalar approach'
-Richard Madgwick (Cardiff) will speak on bones, society, humans and animals.
NARSS: 'Memes in the Dissemination of Archaeology'
-The shadowy forces behind @PictishM will delve deeply into the text and subtext of their endeavor to bring awarness of the Picts to an audience of both cognicenti and everyday folks. Discussion and open mic to follow talk.