Geochemistry Laboratory

In this section
Geochemistry Laboratory

The laboratory is used for organic geochemistry, geochemistry and petrology. It includes analytical equipment as well as space set aside for preparative work. We like to host visits and we like to share, if you are interested in any of the following techniques or resources than contact us.

Most Commonly Used Techniques

At the present time the most commonly applied laboratory techniques are:

  • Heavy mineral analysis
  • Hydrocarbon biomarker analysis for oils and source rocks
  • Sedimentary particle size analysis

If you're interested in something else that we've published but not listed (such as fluid inclusion analysis, producing doped minerals, mineral bound lipid analysis etc) I'm sure we can still remember what we did and help you out.

Analytical Facilities and Equipment

  • We have GC-MS's with HP-1 or HP-5 equivalent columns fitted and a PY-GCMS
  • Carbon/sulphur elemental analyser
  • Sedimentary Particle Size analyser

We also have work spaces permanently set aside for:

  • Soxhlet extraction
  • Microfluidic work
  • Heavy mineral analysis
  • SARA analysis


PhD students working in the laboratory are currently working on:

  • Oil and Source Rock analysis
  • Analysis of Carbonaceous materials for Astrobiology
  • Detection of metal-biosignaitures and trace metal speciation
  • H-cell methods for miniaturised asphaltene and TAN analysis
  • Microscaled water floods - examining how mineralogy and oil chemistry interact to influence wetting behaviour


In the case of students costs are normally covered by fees charged in addition to PhD tuition - the amount charged depends on the work involved. Ultimately our research is curiosity driven, so if its interesting I'm sure we'd be interested also. The laboratory is often busy so please plan ahead.

For further information please contact Stephen Bowden, or John Parnell.
