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Recent Publications

Recent publications by the group are shown below:

  • Oluwarotimi O. Alabi, Stephen A. Bowden & John Parnell. 2014. Simultaneous and rapid asphaltene and TAN determination for heavy petroleum using an H-cell. Analytical Methods,
    doi: 10.1039/c4ay00691g
  • Parnell, J., Mark, D.F., Frei, R., Fallick, A.E. & Ellam, R.M. 2014. 40Ar/39Ar dating of exceptional concentration of metals by weathering of Precambrian rocks at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. Precambrian Research, 246, 54-63
  • Parnell, J., Hole, M. & Boyce, A.J. 2014. Evidence for microbial activity in British and Irish Ordovician pillow lavas. Geological Journal, doi: 10.1002/gj.2562
  • Morton, A., McFadyen, S., Hurst, A., Pyle, J., Rose, P. 2014. Constraining the origin of reservoirs formed by sandstone intrusion: insights from heavy mineral studies of the Eocene in the Forties area, United Kingdom central North Sea. AAPG Bulletin.
  • Morton, S. McFadyen, A. Hurst, J. Pyle, and P. Rose. 2013. Constraining the origin of reservoirs formed by sandstone intrusion: Insights from heavy mineral studies of the Eocene in the Forties area, U.K. central North Sea. AAPG Bulletin. doi: 10.1306/06141312191
  • Kilhams, B., Morton, A. Borella, R., Wilkins, A. and Hurst A. 2013. Understanding the provenance and reservoir quality of the Sele Formation sandstones of the UK Central Graben utilizing detrital garnet suites. Geological Society of London, Special Publication. doi: 10.1144/SP386.16
  • McGregor, E.D., Nielsen S. B., Stephenson, R.A., Petersen, K.D. & Macdonald, D.I.M. 2013. Long-term exhumation of a Palaeoproterozoic orogen and the role of pre-existing heterogeneous thermal crustal properties: a fission-track study of SE Baffin Island. Journal of the Geological Society. doi: 10.1144/jgs2012-146
  • Nicholson, U., Poynter, S.P. & Macdonald, D.I.M. 2013. Source-to-sink study of the Neogene-Recent Amur River and its delta: implications of heavy mineral analysis from the North Sakhalin Basin. Geological Society of London, Special Publication. doi: 10.1144/SP386.7