Drilling The Crater

In this section
Drilling The Crater

We were able to gather some information about the crater prior to drilling from a few scattered pieces of core which were salvaged from boreholes drilled in the 1980s, and from the sporadic literature that exists on Boltysh, most of which is concerned with its age and/or the chemistry of the impact rocks.These cores were not curated and have been subsequently lost, but here, with a new, complete core, we have the chance to study the Boltysh lake - fill sediments at the highest possible resolution.

We have drilled a borehole through the deepest crater - fill succession in the trough to the west of the central uplift and recovered a continuous sedimentary section from the crater floor up to the base of the most recent glacial deposits. The drilling of this 596 m core (42/11) was completed in 2008 and is the first complete drilled section since the 1980s. Core recovery was excellent and it is currently under examination at the University of Aberdeen and Open University in the UK. We have published the findings of our investigations so far (Jolley et al., 2010, 2013; Gilmour et al., 2013)