We would like you to take part in two experiments, designed to research uncertainty in seismic interpretation. The experiments are very simple, entirely anonymous and they won't take you more than 15 minutes to complete.
For the first experiment, please follow the link below and complete the survey. You will be asked a few questions about your background and experience and to then examine a random selection of four seismic sections and their corresponding interpretations. You will be asked to evaluate your confidence in each interpretation provided (1 to 10) and to tell us which features most affected your judgement.
Link to the survey: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/uncertainty-aberdeen
The second experiment is available on Pick This.
To use the tool, sign in with a Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you can make one at https://accounts.google.com/SignUp — you don't need a Google email address, you can use any email address. Once signed in, you will see the challenges. Our challenges are:
Choose one or do both, and make your interpretation of the faults in the seismic section. Click Help on the interpretation page for tips. Once you've made an interpretation, you can see what others picked.
Thank you for help!
Pick This is a social image interpretation tool — once you've made an interpretation you get to see what others picked, and even vote on their answers. To find out more visit http://pickthis.io/about -