Field-based training
We offer annual multi-day field training courses where we visit classic fold-thrust outcrops, giving sponsors the opportunity to explore structural analogues. Field courses in F-TRG phase 1 included excursions to the Vercors and Chartreuse regions of the French Subalpine chains, and to the Variscan fold-thrust structures in Pembrokeshire, UK.
The field component of the courses are accompanied by seminar and discussion sessions where we introduce and discuss ongoing research and share knowledge of key existing and breaking research from the published world.
In-house training
Please contact us for more information on our training opportunities.
F-TRG ran a webinar series in 2017-2018 for sponsors on the following topics:
- Structural styles in fold-thrust belts.
- Along strike structural variation in fold-thrust belts.
- When imaging is good - using deepwater examples to interpret fold-thrust structures.
- Controls on fracture intensity in a carbonate anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana.
- The use of photogrammetry for building 3D models and extracting geological data from fold-thrust structures.
- Buckle folding.
- Uncertainty and biases in interpreting data.