F-TRG phase 2

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F-TRG phase 2

F-TRG phase 2

Despite over 30 years of extensive effort, both in industry and through the research base, there remains significant uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface structure in fold-thrust belts. Our existing work has identified that the current strategies of applying a narrow range of idealized models are failing to reduce this uncertainty. Over-reliance on these models introduces significant bias in interpretation that engenders an over-optimistic assessment of risk associated with trap prediction.

We aim to reduce the bias by increasing the availability of structural models for fold-thrust interaction, quantifying the effectiveness of models to approximate real structures. We further intend to investigate new approaches for forecasting structural complexity by integrating known structural geometries to other geological attributes (e.g. stratigraphy, inherited heterogeneities). And we will share these insights with FTRG partners, helping them to apply these lessons to their own challenges in subsurface interpretation.

Our programme aims to reduce structural risks when exploring and developing hydrocarbon resources in fold-thrust belts. It brings together a leading group of structural geologists and allied earth scientists based in the University of Aberdeen with partners in the oil and gas industry to address these deficiencies. There are three strands to the programme: original research; reviews of existing published research; and knowledge exchange with project partners, including training. The new research will address key challenges in the structural interpretation and analysis of fold-thrust belts. We will explore and quantify the relationships between trap- and larger-scale structural evolution and the intra-, inter- reservoir structure, compartmentalisation and damage that can strongly influence reservoir performance. We will also bring our expertise to review and highlight key existing and breaking research from the published world, keeping partners abreast of the best fold-thrust belt literature. We will share our knowledge through partner workshops, reports and through one-to-one engagement as available. We will also run annual training activities. We envisage the project to run through distinct sponsorship phases with triennial renewal as required.

Please contact us if you'd like a full project proposal.