F-TRG Phase 1
Phase 1 achievements
- Overview of current understanding of the structure of thrust systems.
- Strategies for management of the interpretation uncertainty and practices for limiting drilling surprises.
- Analysis of region lateral variations in fold-thrust geometry at outcrop, in the Subalpine Chains of SE France and in the Laramide belt of Montana.
- Online resource of analogue thrust belt interpretations from worldwide outcrop examples, tied to satellite imagery.
- Descriptions of damage styles, related to large-scale geometry (Montana).
- Integration with ongoing research on thrust system geometry in Aberdeen.
- Knowledge exchange web resource for partners.
- Delivery of field-based training (Alps, SW Wales).
- In-house training in cross-section construction and restoration.
- Webinar lecture series.
Outputs from phase 1 are available to sponsors via our knowledge exchange site.
Phase 1 F-TRG publications
In addition the following publications have arisen from F-TRG phase 1:
- Bell, C. & Butler, R.W.H., 2017. Platform-basin transitions and their role in Alpine-style collision systems: a comparitive approach. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 110, 2, 535-546.
- Bond, C.E., 2015. Uncertainty in Structural Interpretation: Lessons to be learnt. Journal of Structural Geology, 74, 185-200.
- Bond, C.E., Johnson, G. & Ellis, J.F., 2015. Structural model creation: the impact of data type and creative space on geological reasoning and interpretation. Special Publication, Geological Soicety of London, 421, 83-97.
- Butler, R.W.H., 2017. Basement-cover tectonics, structural inheritance, and deformation migration in the outer parts of orogenic belts: A view from the western Alps. In R.D. Law, J.R. Thigpen, A.J. Merschat & H.H. Stowell (eds), Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Systems. GSA Memoirs, 213, 55-74.
- Butler, R.W.H., Bond, C.E., Cooper, M.A. &. Watkins, H., 2018. Interpreting structural geometry in fold-thrust belts: why style matters. Journal of Structural Geology, 114, 251-273.
- Butler, R.W.H., Bond, C.E., Cooper, M.A. & Watkins, H. (in review). Fold-thrust structures - where have all the buckles gone? In: Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: 50 Years of Research since the Seminal Text Book of J. G. Ramsay. Special Publications of the Geological Society, London.
- Cawood, A.J., Bond, C.E., Howell, J.A., Butler, R.W.H. & Totake, Y., 2017. LiDAR, UAV or compass-clinometer? Accuracy, coverage and the effects on structural models. Journal of Structural Geology, 98, 67-82.
- Cawood, A. & Bond, C.E., 2018. 3D mechanical stratigraphy of a deformed multi-layer: linking sedimentary architecture and strain partitioning. Journal of Structural Geology, 106, 54-69.
- Cawood, A. & Bond, C.E., (in review). Broadhaven revisited: a new look at models of fault propagation folding. In: Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: 50 years of Research since the Seminal Text Book of J.G. Ramsay. Special Publications of the Geological Society of London.
- Iacopini, D., Butler, R.W.H., Purves, S., McArdle, N. & De Freslon, N., 2016. Exploring the seismic expression of fault zones in 3D seismic volumes. Journal of Structural Geology, 89, 54-73.
- Macrae, E.J., Bond, C.E., Shipton, Z.K. & Lunn, R.J., 2016. Increasing the quality of seismic interpretation. Interpretation, 4, 3, T395-T402.
- Pace, P., Scisciani, V., Calamati, F., Butler, R.W.H., Iacopini, D., Esestime, P. & Hodgson, N., 2015. Inversion structures in a foreland domain: Seismic examples from the Italian Adriatic Sea. Interpretation, 3, 4, SAA161-SAA176.
- Richards, F.L., Richardson, N.J., Bond, C.E. & Cowgill, M., 2015. Interpretational variability of structural traps: implications for exploration risk and volume uncertainty. Special Publication, Geological Society of London, 421, 7-27.
- Totake, Y., Butler, R.W.H & Bond, C.E., 2017. Structural validation as an output into seismic depth conversion to decrease assigned structural uncertainty. Journal of Structural Geology, 95, 32-47.
- Totake, Y., Butler, R.W.H., Bond, C.E. & Aziz, A., 2018. Analyzing structural variations along strike in a deep-water thrust belt. Journal of Structural Geology, 108, 2113-229.
- Totake, Y., Butler, R.W.H., Bond, C.E., Tokunaga, H. & Aziz, A. (in press). Entrained sand generates fault plane reflections on a deep-water thrust zone. Geology.
- Watkins, H., Butler, R.W.H., Bond, C.E. & Healy, D., 2015. Influence of structural position on fracture networks in the Torridon Group, Achnashellach fold and thrust belt, NW Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology, 74, 64-80.
- Watkins, H., Bond, C.E., Healy, D. & Butler, R.W.H., 2015. Appraisal of fracture sampling methods and a new workflow to characterise heterogeneous fracturing at outcrop. Journal of Structural Geology, 72, 67-82.
- Watkins, H.M., Butler, R.W.H. & Bond, C.E. 2017. Using laterally compatible cross sections to infer fault growth and linkage models in foreland thrust belts. Journal of Structural Geology, 96, 102-11.
- Watkins, H., Healy, D., Bond, C.E., & Butler, R.W.H, 2018. Implications of heterogeneous fracture distribution on reservoir quality; an analogue from the Torridon Group sandstone, Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 180-197.
- Watkins, H., Bond, C. E., Cawood, A. J., Cooper, M. A. & Warren, M. J. (in review). Fracture distribution on the Swift Reservoir Anticline, Montana: implications for structural and lithological controls on fracture intensity. In: Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: 50 Years of Research since the Seminal Text Book of J. G. Ramsay. Special Publications of the Geological Society, London.