![Dr Rachel Brackenridge Dr Rachel Brackenridge](https://www.abdn.ac.uk/img/200x200/staffpages/uploads/s03rb0/Brackenridge_Portrait.jpg)
Senior Lecturer
- About
- Email Address
- rachel.brackenridge@abdn.ac.uk
- Office Address
Rm. 145, Meston Building, Kings College, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX
- School/Department
- School of Geosciences
The application of my science, i.e. its relevance to solving real-world societal problems, is central to my research strategy and my work is broadly aligned with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 7 (affordable and clean energy); 13 (climate action); and 14 (life under water).
The overarching theme of my past research has been to understand past and present sediment transport. My PhD research focused on characterising sand-rich depositional systems deposited by ocean currents (named contourites) and their importance as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. My research is now focused on the how the distribution of these deposits are controlled by global climate and how bottom currents interact with the continental margins with respect to margin architecture, geohazards and pollutant (microplastic) dispersion.
Gaining a number of years of experience in the petroleum industry has given me a good multidisciplinary understanding of the evolution of extensional settings through to passive margins. Frontier basins and plays have been the main focus of past work. Following my postdoctoral research on the UK Central North Sea, energy stability and energy equality has become an important driver to my work. Current research examines the utilisation of the subsurface for the Energy Transition including the investigation of the subsurface for intermittent and long-term energy storage.
- Research
Research Overview
Sedimentary Systems: Sedimentology; Contourites; Mixed systems; Strat. Traps; Ocean Currents; Climate; Geohazards; Tsunamigenic Submarine Landslides; Passive Margins; Sequence Stratigraphy; Source-to-Sink; Sediment Transport; Machine Learning, Microplastics.
Petroleum Geology & GeoEnergy: Petroleum Exploration; Regional Geology; Frontier Basins; Frontier Plays; Play Mapping; Deep Water Plays; Geohazards; Big Data; Risking, Salt Cavern Storage, Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS); Hydrogen Storage; Salt Caverns.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Programme Director, MSc Sustainable Energy Geoscience.
Course Coordinator, GL5011 ‘Geophysics & Petrophysics’ (Level 5).
Course Coordinator GL5301 'Borehole Geophysics and 4D Reservoir Modelling' (Level 5)
Course coordinator GL5572 'Subsurface Storage and Sequestration' (Level 5)
GG1010: Creating the Anthropocene: 'The Growth of Energy’
GG1512: The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 'Clean and Affordable Energy'
GP3501: Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data. 'Seismic Stratigraphy', 'Seismic Mapping', and 'Seismic Facies'
GL4034: Applied Geological Synthesis
GL5011: Geophysics & Petrophysics. 'Exploration Geophysics Fundamentals'
GL5572: Subsurface Storage & Sequestration. 'Subsurface Storage Fundamentals'
GL5913: Projects in Energy Geoscience. 'Report Writing'
- Publications
Page 1 of 1 Results 1 to 31 of 31
Genesis of honeycomb buildups in the Permian Zechstein Group, Southern North Sea
Marine and Petroleum GeologyContributions to Journals: ArticlesQuantifying Virtual Field Trip Efficiency
PFG – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science , vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 679–690Contributions to Journals: ArticlesIntroduction: Special issue on bottom currents and contourites: Processes, products and impact
Marine Geology, vol. 469, 107237Contributions to Journals: Editorials- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107237
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The search for "Jenyon's channel": The Missing link between the Permian basins in the North Sea
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 160, 106619Contributions to Journals: ArticlesLate Permian Evaporite Facies Variation in the Forth Approaches Basin, North Sea: Implications for Hydrogen Storage
Geoenergy, vol. 1, no. 1Contributions to Journals: ArticlesVirtual field trips utilizing virtual outcrop: construction, delivery and implications for the future
Geoscience Communication, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 227-249Contributions to Journals: ArticlesImproving Subsurface Characterisation with ‘Big Data’ Mining and Machine Learning
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202113233
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Contourite porosity, grain size and reservoir characteristics
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 117, 104392Contributions to Journals: ArticlesContourites along the Iberian continental margins: conceptual and economic implications
Geological Society Special Publications , vol. 476, pp. 403-436Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/sp476-2017-46
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Indonesian Throughflow as a preconditioning mechanism for submarine landslides in the Makassar Strait
Geological Society Special Publications , vol. 500, pp. 195-217Contributions to Journals: ArticlesStructural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Mid North Sea High Region of the UK Continental Shelf
Petroleum Geoscience, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 154-173Contributions to Journals: ArticlesTextural characteristics and facies of sand-rich contourite depositional systems
Sedimentology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 2223-2252Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.12463
Controls on Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) Prospectivity in the Mid North Sea High Region
AAPG Search and Discovery , 11050Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDefining Prospective Play Fairways over the Southern Flank of the UK Mid North Sea High
AAPG Search and Discovery , 11052Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMiddle Miocene reworked turbidites in the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea margin: processes, genesis, and implications
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 116-129Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.06.025
Oceanographic processes and morphosedimentary products along the Iberian margins: A new multidisciplinary approach
Marine Geology, vol. 378, pp. 127-156Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2015.12.008
Evolution of the gulf of Cadiz margin and southwest Portugal contourite depositional system: Tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP expedition 339
Marine Geology, vol. 377, pp. 7-39Contributions to Journals: ArticlesProcesos oceanográficos y sus productos alrededor del margen de Iberia: una nueva aproximación multidisciplinar
Bol. Geol. Min, vol. 126, no. 2-3, pp. 279-326Contributions to Journals: Review articlesProcesos sedimentarios por corrientes de fondo a lo largo del margen continental ibérico
Boletín Geológico y Minero , vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 219-256Contributions to Journals: Review articles- [ONLINE] http://www.igme.es/boletin/ing/2015/126_2y3.htm
- [ONLINE] ResearchGate
- [ONLINE] PDF Version of publications
Deep water circulation around the Iberian continental margin: state of art and future implications
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] Link to Document
Oceanographic processes and products around the Iberia continental margin: a new multi-disciplinary approach?
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] Link to Publication on VLIZ
Contourite sands in the Gulf of Cadiz: characterisation, controls and wider implications for hydrocarbon exploration
Heriot-Watt University. 265 pagesBooks and Reports: Other Reports- [ONLINE] Link to document at ROS Theses Repository
- [ONLINE] Link to Publications
Contourite processes associated with the Mediterranean Outflow Water after its exit from the Strait of Gibraltar: global and conceptual implications
Geology, vol. 42 , no. 3, pp. 227-230Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1130/G35083.1
- [ONLINE] Link from GeoScienceWorld
A Pliocene mixed contourite--turbidite system offshore the Algarve Margin, Gulf of Cadiz: seismic response, margin evolution and reservoir implications
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 46, pp. 36-50Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.05.015
The Cadiz Contourite Channel: Sandy contourites, bedforms and dynamic current interaction
Marine Geology, vol. 343, pp. 99-114Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2013.06.013
- [ONLINE] Science Direct
Caracterización de los sedimentos superficiales en tres sistemas deposicionales contorńıticos (Golfo de Cádiz, Cabo Ortegal y El Cachucho): implicaciones conceptuales
Geo-Temas, pp. 1-5Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guillermo_Frances/publication/256484593_Caracaterizacion_de_los_sedimentos_superficiales_en_tres_sistemas_deposicionales_contorniticos_Golfo_de_Cadiz_Cabo_Ortegal_y_El_Cachucho_implicaciones_conceptuales/links/00b7d523075ced22ba000000/Caracaterizacion-de-los-sedimentos-superficiales-en-tres-sistemas-deposicionales-contorniticos-Golfo-de-Cadiz-Cabo-Ortegal-y-El-Cachucho-implicaciones-conceptuales.pdf
- [ONLINE] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256484593_Caracaterizacion_de_los_sedimentos_superficiales_en_tres_sistemas_deposicionales_contorniticos_Golfo_de_Cadiz_Cabo_Ortegal_y_El_Cachucho_implicaciones_conceptuales
Geohazards and Ocean Hazards in Deepwater: Overview and Methods of Assessment
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.4043/23697-MS
Contourite sheet sands: new deepwater exploration target
AAPG Annual Convention and ExhibitionContributions to Conferences: AbstractsContourites within a deep-water sequence stratigraphic framework
Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 31, pp. 343-360Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00367-011-0256-9
- [ONLINE] Springer Link
Contourites in the deepwater sequence stratigraphic framework
Geo-Temas, pp. 17-18Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] ResearchPortal Heriot-Watt