Research Postgraduate Opportunities

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Research Postgraduate Opportunities

Postgraduate research degrees at the University of Aberdeen offer you an unrivalled opportunity in life to pursue your deepest interests in a dedicated academic environment, providing you with a qualification that marks you out as a world-leading expert in your field.

There is no better gateway to an exciting career in academic research, nor a better qualification for demonstrating to any potential employer your ability to handle a complex project and bring it to a successful conclusion.

If you are thinking about undertaking your postgraduate research degree in Aberdeen, we encourage you to:

Postgraduate Research Degree options at University of Aberdeen


Master of Research (MRes) in Human Geography

Our ESRC-accredited MRes Human Geography is a one-year degree programme which provides the opportunity for students to develop advanced social science research skills. It is specifically designed to lay the foundations required to undertake advanced doctoral studies. It also helps prepare students for graduateemployment in the public, private and third sector. The Master of Research Human Geography is recognised by the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science as aligning with the ESRC's Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines.

For further details please contact the Programme Director, Dr Lorna Philip, or the Research Secretary

PhD Research (3 years) / MSc Research (1 year)

We advertise projects with funding already attached on here.

We always warmly welcome enquiries from potential students who wish to pursue an independent research project, particularly for research that fits into our main research themes.

There are many options for supervision, ranging from a dedicated team of supervisors in Geography & Environment, with options for extra supervisors drawn from across the Geosciences, including Archaeology and Geology, or indeed more generally across the university. Some students are supervised jointly with partner organisations including:

  • The James Hutton Institute
  • The Scottish Agricultural Office
  • The Centre for Transport Policy
  • The British Antarctic Survey

For further details please contact:

You may also wish to make first contact with a potential project supervisor, who may be drawn from our Academic Staff.