

World-class research output lies at the heart of NRI. Our publication list is shown below and can also be accessed from the webpages of the faculty members of the NRI as well as the University's central publications portal - 

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  • Incorporating hydromorphology in strategic approaches to managing flows for salmonids

    Newson, M., Sear, D., Soulsby, C.

    Fisheries Management and Ecology, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 490-499

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The influence of canalisation on juvenile salmonid habitat

    Millidine, K., Malcolm, I., Gibbins, C., Fryer, R., Youngson, A. F.

    Ecological Indicators, vol. 23, pp. 262-273

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The influence of hydrology and hydraulics on salmonids between spawning and emergence: implications for the management of flows in regulated rivers

    Malcolm, I. A., Gibbins, C. N., Soulsby, C., Tetzlaff, D., Moir, H. J.

    Fisheries Management and Ecology, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 464-474

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The typology of Irish hard-rock aquifers based on an integrated hydrogeological and geophysical approach

    Comte, J., Cassidy, R., Nitsche, J., Ofterdinger, U., Pilatova, K., Flynn, R.

    Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1569-1588

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Expertise hydrogéologique pour la gestion durable de la lentille d'eau douce et des captages AEP de l'île d'Uvéa, Territoire de Wallis et Futuna: Rapport final, document No 1 - Synthese hydrogéologique et modélisation de la lentille (Hydrogeological expertise for the sustainable management of freshwater lens and water catchments of Uvéa Island, Wallis and Futuna Territory: Final Report, Document No. 1 - Hydrogeological Synthesis and Lens Modelling)

    Comte, J.

    Commissioned by Service Territorial de l'Environnement de Wallis et Futuna. 61 pages

    Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports

  • Expertise hydrogéologique pour la gestion durable de la lentille d'eau douce et des captages AEP de l'île d'Uvéa, Territoire de Wallis et Futuna: Rapport final, document No 2 - Résumé des résultats et recommandations

    Comte, J.

    Commissioned by Service Territorial de l'Environnement de Wallis et Futuna. 13 pages

    Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports

  • Can time domain and source area tracers reduce uncertainty in rainfall runoff models in larger heterogeneous catchments?

    Capell, R., Tetzlaff, D., Soulsby, C.

    Water Resources Research, vol. 48, no. 9, W09544

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Cross-regional prediction of long-term trajectory of stream water DOC response to climate change

    Laudon, H., Buttle, J., Carey, S. K., McDonnell, J., McGuire, K., Seibert, J., Shanley, J., Soulsby, C., Tetzlaff, D.

    Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, L18404

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Land use and hydroclimatic influences on Faecal Indicator Organisms in two large Scottish catchments: towards land use-based models as screening tools

    Tetzlaff, D., Capell, R., Soulsby, C.

    Science of the Total Environment, vol. 434, pp. 110-122

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The biogeochemical reactivity of suspended particulate matter at nested sites in the Dee basin, NE Scotland

    Dawson, J. J. C., Adhikari, Y. R., Soulsby, C., Stutter, M. I.

    Science of the Total Environment, vol. 434, pp. 159-170

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

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