​ Publications | School of Geosciences | The University of Aberdeen


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  • Evolución finicuaternaria del glaciarismo en el macizo de Fuentes Carrionas (Cordillera Cantábrica), propuesta cronológica y paleoambiental (Lateglacial evolution of Fuentes Carrionas massif (Cantabrian Range), palaeoenvironmental and chronological estimations)

    Pellitero Ondicol, R.

    Cuaternario y Geomorfología, vol. 27, no. 1-2, pp. 71-90

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Subglacial bedforms reveal an exponential size-frequency distribution

    Hillier, J. K., Smith, M. J., Clark, C. D., Stokes, C. R., Spagnolo, M.

    Geomorphology, vol. 190, pp. 82-91

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Reply to John Shaw " Correspondence - Alberta flow paths: A need for balance"

    Evans, D. J. A., Hiemstra, J. F., Boston, C. M., Leighton, I., Cofaigh, C. Ã., Rea, B. R.

    Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 63, pp. 144-148

    Contributions to Journals: Letters

  • The instability theory of drumlin formation and its explanation of their varied composition and internal structure

    Stokes, C. R., Fowler, A. C., Clark, C. D., Hindmarsh, R. C., Spagnolo, M.

    Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 62, pp. 77-96

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Shifting westerlies and precipitation patterns during the Late Pleistocene in southern Africa determined using glacier reconstruction and mass balance modelling

    Mills, S. C., Grab, S. W., Rea, B. R., Carr, S. J., Farrow, A.

    Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 145-159

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

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