What is the situation of seasonal migrant workers in Scottish Agriculture?
Report on Provision of Farm Workers in Scottish Agriculture submitted to the Scottish Government well received by Advisory Group.
The Castor rap - combining art and science to communicate about beaver reintroductions in the UK
Dr. Katya Dimitrova-Petrova, honorary research fellow at the Geography Department expresses her passion for science and poetry through an educational poem and rap song about beavers
Making connections to the Arts - the value of land
Engaging with the arts to foster creative learning around current ecological change and understanding and re-thinking the challenges of the Anthropocene
Research in a Nutshell: Innovative Contracts for Farmers and for Nature
Research assistant and PhD student Jennifer Dodsworth studies which agri-environmental schemes are both attractive to farmers and effectively deliver environmental public goods
Geography students and staff collect microplastics in beach clean
The Geography Department beach clean at the Donmouth in Aberdeen involved students and staff getting outdoors in sunny weather and helping to address the problem of microplastic pollution - one piece of polysterene at a time.
Learning from the past: insights from palaeoecology into Scotland's ancient oakwoods.
PhD student Annabel Everard analyses pollen and plant macrofossils from peat deposits to study changes to Scottish ancient oak woodlands.
Geography staff provide expert input for public dialogue series on land use in Aberdeenshire
The public dialogues aim to contribute to a better public understanding of current challenges of UK land-use and food consumption, and inviting participants to create more targeted regional 'blueprints' for the future of landscapes in the UK.
From cosmic rays to climate change
Geography staff collected samples from moraines and boulders in the Maritime Alps that will be analysed for cosmogenic isotope content to shed light on the climatic conditions during the last important period of climate change