Research on the contributions of older people to rural communities (Andrew Maclaren), new technologies to support social interaction amongst housebound older rural residents (Gillian Dowds, Lorna Philip and Mags Currie) and enabling Internet connectivity to commercially ‘hard to reach’ very remote rural communities (Fiona Williams, John Farrington and Lorna Philip) will be presented at the ESRS Congress this week.
Working Group 17 Promoting and Sustaining Rural Wellbeing has been organised by Lorna Philip, along with Mags Currie (James Hutton Institute) and Karen Scott (University of Newcastle). Lorna Philip is also a member of the Congress’s Local Organising Committee and will be a leader on one of the conference’s out of town fieldtrips.
The ESRS Congress is held biannually and is one of the largest international gatherings of rural social scientists, attracting participants from across the world.