British Science Festival Event: The Future of Our Polar Regions
On Tuesday 4th September, the Cryosphere and Climate Change group at the University of Aberdeen, in association with the UK Polar Network is hosting a British Science Festival Event as advertised below. Aberdeen geologist Professor David Macdonald is one of our main speakers. The public event is FREE and OPEN TO ALL. Advance booking is recommended via the British Science Festival booking link.
For further information contact Dr. Robert Bingham or Dr. Douglas Mair.
Tuesday 4 September, 3.30pm - 5.30pm , Fraser Noble Building, Lecture Theatre 2, University of Aberdeen
Join leading UK polar scientists in an interactive debate about whether future research should be directed towards the north (the Arctic) or the south (the Antarctic). Help shape opinion on priorities by asking questions and voting on the major issues raised. Visit our adjoining exhibition of polar fieldwork clothing, science equipment and field video diaries.
Confirmed speakers:
Professor David Macdonald (University of Aberdeen), Expert in Antarctic Geology
Professor Peter Nienow (University of Edinburgh), Expert in Arctic Glaciology
Professor David Vaughan (British Antarctic Survey), Expert on Antarctic Ice & Climate
Hosted by: University of Aberdeen Cryosphere & Climate Change Group, in association with UK Polar Network
For further information contact:
The event is FREE but we do recommend that you register in advance through the British Science Festival website:
The public event runs as a precursor to the 37th International Glaciological Society British Branch meeting being hosted by Aberdeen.