Climate Change: One, or Many? Talk by Prof Mike Hulme (King's College, London)

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Climate Change: One, or Many? Talk by Prof Mike Hulme (King's College, London)

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Climate Change: One, or Many? Talk by Professor Mike Hulme
Monday 16 February, 2pm, Room 224 - Sir Duncan Rice Library

Given by Professor Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate and Culture, from King’s College, London and organised by the  Interdisciplinary North Seminar Series. 

In this talk, Prof Hulme suggests that the story of climate change has become too univocal.  There is an orthodoxy – even a hegemony – which does not do justice to the complexities of what is happening to climates around the world, nor how such changes are understood.  He will argue that a cultural analysis of climate and its changes is needed, as much as a scientific one.  Such analysis reveals the many different things that climate change means to different people in different places holding different beliefs, concerns and priorities.  Understanding this diversity provides a sounder basis for thinking through the different ways in which policies and other interventions to deal with climatic dangers might be designed and enacted.


Room 224, The Sir Duncan Rice Library