Founded in October 2002, by founding Director Professor William Ritchie, the Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management aims to enhance the local, national and international reputation of the University of Aberdeen in multidisciplinary research, training and consultancy with a clear focus on the marine and coastal zone.
Many disciplines in the University such as Marine Biology, Physical Geography, Coastal Engineering, Geology, Planning,Marine and Coastal Resource Management, Remote Sensing, GIS and Information Systems, already exist and have considerable strengths. The Institute is designed to promote and to coordinate combinations of any or all of these skills, knowledge, understanding and experience.
The Institute functions across College, School and departmental boundaries and is guided by an International Advisory Board with a balance of Marine Science, Fisheries, Governance, Natural Heritage, Industry and Commerce, and Oil and Gas related experience and expertise at Senior Executive level.
The internal divisions consist of
- UCEMM (UAV/UAS Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Mapping )
- Research (especially Applied Research)
- Consultancy
- Information Systems (GIS, Remote Sensing, Digital Mapping, Soft-copy Photogrammetry, & WebGIS)
- Monitoring and Modelling
- Environmental Administrative Services
- Education and Training
- Conference Organisation (e.g. CoastGIS 2018)
The Institute can call on the considerable Information, Library, Technical, Laboratory, Administrative and Managerial facilities of the University - and has the support of all relevant departments and disciplines. It has especially close links with OceanLab and SOTEAG .
David R. Green | Director