Honorary Staff & Researchers

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Honorary Staff & Researchers

Honorary Staff, Researchers & Emeritus Staff

Professor Keith Dobney

Professor Keith Dobney
Honorary Professor of Human Palaeoecology

Email: k.dobney@abdn.ac.uk

Dr Véronique Forbes

Dr Véronique Forbes
Honorary Research Fellow

Archaeoentomology; Quaternary Entomology; North Atlantic Islands; Late Prehistoric Alaska; Bioarchaeology

Email: v.forbes@abdn.ac.uk

Dr Loïc Harrault

Dr Loïc Harrault
Honorary Research Fellow

Organic Geochemistry; Lipid Biomarkers; Fecal Contamination; Aquatic Ecology and Biogeochemistry;Geoarchaeology

Dr Elodie--Laure Jimenez

Honorary Research Fellow

Palaeolithic Europe; Zooarchaeology; Carnivores; Isotopes

Email: elodie-laure.jimenez@abdn.ac.uk

Dr Paul Ledger

Dr Paul Ledger
Honorary Research Fellow

Email: p.ledger@abdn.ac.uk

Professor Neil Price

Professor Neil Price
Honorary Professor of Archaeology

Early medieval archaeology; pre-Christian Northern religions; conflict archaeology; post-colonial archaeology

Email: neil.price@arkeologi.uu.se or neil.price@abdn.ac.uk

Dr Karen Milek

Dr Karen Milek
Honorary Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor (Reader) in Geoarchaeology in the Department of Archaeology, Durham University

Social-Ecological Transformations: HUMan-ANimal Relations Under Climate Change in NORthern Eurasia (HUMANOR)

Email: karen.b.milek@durham.ac.uk

Dr Colin Shepherd

Dr Colin Shepherd
Honorary research fellow

Community archaeology and Medieval and post-medieval landscape history in North-east Scotland.