Dr. Agusta Edwald (University of Aberdeen Archaeology Department) will begin an invited two month visiting researcher appointment at the University of Manitoba (Department of Icelandic Language & Literature) on the 8th of April.
In Winnipeg Agusta will be working on the research project: European Migrant Landscapes in the Canadian West, 1870-1945. She will present a paper on her research and be granted full access to the Icelandic department’s rich resources on the Icelandic immigration to Canada in the late 19th Century.
The European Migrant Landscape project was launched in October 2012 by Dr. Jeff Oliver (PI) and is funded by the Leverhulme trust. It sets out to investigate interactions between different ethnic groups, which settled on the Canadian prairies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The focus of this initial research visit to Canada is on an area in south western Manitoba, which included both a Hebridean crofter colony, around the town of Killarney, and an Icelandic colony in the vicinity of the town Baldur.
For further information see: interethnicprairie.blogspot.com where those interested will also be able to keep up to date with ongoing research activities in Canada.