Facilities & Resources

Facilities available within Archaeology and the Colleges of Physical and Life Sciences

- Petrographic and stereomicroscopes
- Palynology laboratory
- Hydrology laboratory
- Dirty and clean sedimentary laboratories
- Soil chemistry laboratory
- Bioarchaeology laboratory and faunal reference collection
- Archaeological Chemistry laboratory
- Trace Element Speciation Laboratory
Web Links
- University of Aberdeen Library Catalogue, including links to electronic journals and other electronic media
- Special Libraries & Archives
- Anatomy Museum
- Marischal Museum
- Zoology Museum
Reference Collections
- The John C. C. (Charlie) Romans Thin Section Reference Collection (Soils, Wood, Seeds, Minerals)
- The E. A. FitzPatrick Soil Thin Section Reference Collection
- Faunal Reference Collection, Zoology Museum
- Herbarium, School of Biological Sciences (120,000 plant specimens, with a special emphasis on British and SE Asia)
- Living plant collection, Cruickshank Botanical Gardens (11 acres containing over 2,500 plant taxa from over 450 different genera)
- Search the University Museums catalogues. The online online catalogues are still being completed, so if you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact Jennifer Downes