Current Post-Graduate Students

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Current Post-Graduate Students
Student Project Supervisors

Amy Allan-Jones

Exploring past biodiversity in Scotland and Ireland using environmental ancient DNA

Dr L. Girdland Flink, Dr G. Noble

Jennifer Allison

Elizabeth Ashcroft

Sarah Barakat

Isotopic study of faunal migration.

Elisabeth Chaumont Sturtevant

Osteoarchaeology, cremation burials in prehistoric Scotland

Leanne Demay

Leidy Gonzalez Bojaca

Elinor Graham

Coastal archaeology, remote sensing, climate change.

Emilie Jean Green

Eurasian chronology and community adapatations.

Éléa Gutierrez

Nitrogen isotopes and dietary macronutrients. Ancient diets.

Sarah Hiepler

Zachary Hinckley

Early Medieval nuclear hillforts in context

Rosalie Hopko

Osteoarchaeology, Medieval Scotland

Caitlin Jacobsen

Seascapes, maritimity, Alaska

Lucy Koster

Sara Manavian

Greg Michaelson

Lauren Phillips

Victoria Rendt

Irmine Roshem

Osteoarchaeology, climate change and respiratory health

Bianca Santullo

Louise Smith

Ecology and historical environmental archaeology.

Alistair Stenhouse

Foreshore archaeology, historic fishweirs in Scotland

Peter Stewart

Heritage politics, archaeological theory, national narratives and symbols