Current and Upcoming Events
Founders Day 2025 - Discovery Day: Open to All
-Join researchers from across the university for a day of family-friendly fun celebrating research coming from the University of Aberdeen.
Cafe Sci - A Pictish Power Centre at Rhynie and Tap o' Noth: Recent Progress'
-Join Professor Gordon Noble for an update on his ground breaking research on Pictish society in the North East.
Rhythms of the Moon: A Lunar New Year Celebration
-Rhythms of the Moon: A Lunar New Year Celebration brings together acclaimed percussionist Lin Chen and guitarist Kristan Sievers, performing as Duo Pertar, for an evening of captivating music. Combining contemporary percussion with traditional instruments like marimbas, vibraphones, and Chinese drums, they will deliver a powerful and diverse performance. Lin...
Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference
-Using Science Communication to effect positive change: exploring transitions, traditions and tensions
Society of East Asian Archaeology 10th Conference
-The 10th Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology will be held next year in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Please save the date and plan for your papers and visits. The conference dates are August 19-23rd, 2025. The call for papers, posters, and sessions will open on September...