Photographs from the Research Facilities Showcase 2023
Research Facilities Showcase 2023
This event offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with highly skilled professionals, gaining insights into their equipment, expertise, and knowledge, and discovering how you can leverage these resources for your upcoming projects.
Interested in showcasing your facility? Click here
Facility Description
Our vision is to create new imaging techniques to better understand health and disease and to inspire the next generation of imaging scientists.
Clinical Research 3T MRI, Field Cycling Imaging & Low-Field Imaging.
Facility Location
Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Lilian Sutton Building,
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN
Main contact for the facility
Mrs Teresa Morris
Imaging Facilities Co-ordinator
Email: t.morris@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)1224 438363
Facility Description
Aberdeen Centre for Electron Microscopy, Analysis and Characterisation (ACEMAC) is a facility open to users from across the university and beyond, housed in Meston Building Room 028A (King's College, Old Aberdeen campus) and is based around a Carl Zeiss GeminiSEM 300 - high resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with SE (secondary electron), BSE (backscattered electron) and CL (cathodoluminescence) detectors. The GeminiSEM 300 can be operated in both high vacuum and variable pressure modes, enabling imaging of a wide variety of sample types, from steel to rocks to biological cells.
The SEM is equipped with Oxford Instruments EDS (AZtec energy) and EBSD (AZtecHKL) analytical systems.
Facility Location
Aberdeen Centre for Electron Microscopy, Analysis and Characterisation (ACEMAC)
Meston 028A
Meston Building
Elphinstone Road
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Mr John Still
Email: j.still@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 273465
Facility Description
Aberdeen University Geophysical Equipment Repository (AUGER)AUGER is a suite of geophysical equipment available for research or commercial projects.
It currently contains; 1 x Leica dGPS system; Geoscanners bistatic 80MHz and dual 200/400 MHz ground penetrating radar; 2 x Geometrics G-857 magnetometers; 48-channel Geode seismic reflection/refraction equipment with hammer source; 72-electrode IRIS Syscal resistivity tomography kit; 10 x Güralp 6TD 30 s-100 Hz and 6 x Güralp Certimus 120 s-100 Hz seismometers.
We also have access to: GPR (Geoscanners), resistivity (RES2DINV), seismic refraction (Geometrics), seismic reflection (Halliburton SeisSpace/ProMAX), dGPS (Leica), gravity & magnetic (Oasis Montaj/Geosoft) processing software.
Facility Location
Aberdeen University Geophysical Equipment Repository (AUGER)
University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Campus
First Floor, Meston Building
Meston Walk,
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Dr David Cornwell
Senior Lecturer
Email: d.cornwell@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 273448
Facility Description
The Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM) aims to accelerate genome-enabled research across the University of Aberdeen and with our external stakeholders.
To achieve this the Centre couples provision of various genomic technologies, including next generation sequencing (NGS), with the delivery of learning activities and resources to enable researchers to develop expertise in the application of these technologies in their research, teaching and postgraduate training.
Services in the CGEBM are available to University of Aberdeen researchers, as well as external Universities, Research Institutes and Commercial entities. To access these services please contact the Centre Manager Dr Elaina Collie-Duguid.
Facility Location
The Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine
Lab 1:35, 1:64, 1:68
Institute of Medical Sciences
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
Main contact for the facility
Dr Elaina Collie-Duguid
Manager, Centre for Genome Enabled Biology & Medicine
Email: e.collie-duguid@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 437958
Facility Description
We are particularly well equipped for research in the two main research themes of Biomolecular Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry.
Facilities for Biomolecular Chemistry research include 250, 400 and 600 MHz NMR, electrospray MS, GC-MS and LC-MS, and a unique collection of instruments for environmental analysis and speciation. Facilities for Materials Chemistry Research include X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction, electron microscopy, solid state NMR, XPS, EPR, FTIR and Raman microprobes, impedance spectroscopy, gas sorption analysis and a comprehensive suite of thermal analysis instruments.
The University of Aberdeen have received funding via the BBSRC ALERT-22 Scheme to purchase a high-end LC-MS optimised for the analysis of small molecules.
This LC-MS system will enable the profiling and identification of small molecule components in complex biological mixtures. Small molecules have important roles in biology such as communication within or between organisms or interacting with receptors with important biological effects. Fundamental questions in biology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, biosynthesis and human disease can only be answered by studying these complex molecular mixtures and understanding how they work.
This system enables efficient fast separation of complex biological mixtures followed by the accurate determination of the molecular formulae of each of the components. As there are many molecular structures possible for each molecular formula, the ability to fragment molecules with different levels of energy is essential to increase confidence in molecular identification.
Applications include discovery and synthesis of small bioactive natural products, the understanding of biological synthesis of small molecules, understanding of microbial processes in soil and the chemical communication between sponges and molluscs, the analysis of archaeological artefacts, the understanding of disease causation as well as pharmaceutical discovery.
Facility Location
Chemistry Facilities | High Resolution LC-MS optimised for analysing small molecules
082 Meston
Meston Building
Elphinstone Road
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Professor Marcel Jaspars
Chair in Chemistry
Email: m.jaspars@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 272895
Facility Description
A large suite of analytical instrumentation spread across 2 Facilities incl. F-AAS, FIA, TOC, FC-EA, IC, GC - respiration, ICP-MS, MP-AES, CRDS, IRMS, Digestion Blocks, Microwave Digesters etc.
Facility Location
Combined Analytical Facilities of Analytical Services Unit & Biogeochemical Facility.
Facility Office G.17
Cruickshank Building
School of Biological Sciences
University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Campus
Aberdeen, AB24 3UU
Main contact for the facility
Mr Michael McGibbon
Senior Research Technician (Facility Manager)
Email: m.mcgibbon@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 274226
Facility Description
Conference interpreting suite for offering interpreting services to external organisations.
Facility Location
MacRobert Building 105
University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Campus
King St, Aberdeen AB24 3FX
Main contact for the facility
Dr Maria Sanzhes-Ortiz
Senior Lecturer
Email: m.t.sanchez@abdn.ac.uk
Facility Description
Digital Research deliver technology services and solutions to accelerate research: powerful computing resources, data management tools, and trusted research environments.
Platforms and Services such as:
Facility Location
Digital Research
Edward Wright
Dunbar Street
Aberdeen, AB24 3QY
Main contact for the facility
Dr Andrew Phillips
Digital Research Business Development Lead
Email: andrew.phillips@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 273780
Geochemistry Laboratory - analytical facilities for geochemistry, but its not just rocks!
Our workhorse instruments are different kinds of GC-MS and spectroscopy and we have expertise in analysing oils; fuels, lubricating oils, and fatty acids (food oils). We are very interested in collaborating to analyse unusual oils in unusual situations and develop specialist methods for these purposes.
Examples include detecting lubricating oil deterioration to forewarn of mechanical failure, airborne fuel contaminants on mosses, and trace amounts of things like nanoparticles or asphalt.
Facility Location
Geosciences Department
University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Campus
Meston Building
Meston Walk,
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Dr Stephen Bowden
Reader In Organic Geochemistry
Email: s.a.bowden@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 273467
Facility Description
Our Human Intervention Studies Unit (HISU) is a state of the art facility to carry out human intervention trials. Staffs include a dietitian and nutrition assistants, research nurse and research technicians who are able to carry out physiological measurements (ECG, blood pressure, arterial stiffness etc and tissue sampling, as well as diet design and food production for human intervention trials. We also part of the Dietary Assessment Service. The facilities include screening/interview rooms, clinical rooms, body composition equipment (DEXA, bodpod), and resting metabolic rate machines, bedrooms, kitchens, and dining room.
Facility Location
The Rowett Institute
Ashgrove Road West
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
Main contact for the facility
Dr Frank Thies
Email: f.thies@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 437954
Making an impact through science, James Hutton Limited is responsible for commercialising the intellectual property, facilities, science and research of the James Hutton Institute to provide services that address global challenges in a changing environment. The business was founded in 2015 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the James Hutton Institute. We provide research and consultancy services for several different sectors including agrifood, energy, manufacturing, environmental and water.
Our laboratories have a vast array of analytical equipment capable of characterising mineral structures, identifying unknowns, isotopic ratios and quantifying inorganic elements and organic compounds.
James Hutton Limited also supplies plant breeding services to some of the largest names in global consumables.
All plant breeding activity is underpinned by ground breaking science and research from the James Hutton Institute which includes work on soils, water and entomology.
The profits generated by James Hutton Limited are gift aided back to the Institute and reinvested in research.
Facility Location:
James Hutton Limited,
Macaulay Drive, Craigiebuckler,
Aberdeen, AB15 8QH
Facility Contact:
Gareth Newman, Business Development Manager for JHL
Facility Description
Since 2000 the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG), University Aberdeen has developed expertise in the geology and geophysics of sand injectites, and specifically the sandstone intrusion reservoir facies. SIRG is recognised as the global leader in sand injectite research and through close collaboration with sponsors has helped to facilitate wealth creation by defining new hydrocarbon plays that introduced “intrusive traps” and supporting planning and drilling of field developments in excess of 6 billion barrels of reserves.
Facility Location
Meston Building (LPSA)
University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen Campus
Meston Walk,
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Online Tool (Core Database)
Main contact for the facility
Dr Matthew Brettle
Senior Research Fellow, Geology and Geophysics
Email: matthew.brettle@abdn.ac.uk
Mr Wiktor Luzinski
Research Assistant, Geology and Geophysics
Email: wiktor.luzinski@abdn.ac.uk
Mr Yousef Abu Yousef
Research Assistant, Geology and Geophysics
Email: yousef.abuyousef@abdn.ac.uk
Facility Description
We are pleased to welcome all users with all levels of experience in microscopy and histology to our facility.
We are located in the Institute of Medical Sciences building at Foresterhill, Aberdeen.
We have a wide range of modern equipment and techniques available and we are here to help you make the best use of them. We have many years of experience in light, fluorescence and electron microscopy, and histology. We are happy to meet up to help you get started with a new study or help you sort out an unexpected result.
If you are a new user, we can provide support and training on the microscope system you wish to use.
Facility Location
Office 1:58
Institute of Medical Sciences
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
Main contact for the facility
Dr Debbie Wilkinson
Co-Manager and Senior Microscopy Application Specialist
Email: debbie.wilkinson@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 437422
Facility Description
We provide specialist, full project lifecycle support for Innovate UK's Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme, which support innovation projects between academic researchers and businesses. Our services include: project scoping, application development, award setup, ongoing project management and secretariat services.
Facility Location
We have offices on campus at both the University of Aberdeen (Fraser Noble Building) and Robert Gordon University (Garthdee House Annex). We can also travel to companies or host online meetings to discuss projects if preferred.
Main contact for the facility
Kelly Fraser
KTP Centre Manager
Email: hello@ktpnorth.scot
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262278
Use our part-time online degrees and short courses to gain new skills. Build qualifications to progress in your career and be the best at what you do.
You can use our online degrees and short courses to gain qualifications in your spare time.
Our students use part-time online study to take their careers to the next level, or in a completely new direction.
Short Courses
Learn new skills, explore your interests or move your career forward with our flexible online short courses.
Short courses such as Issues in Energy Transition, Applied Statistics, Assessment of Nutritional Health, and more.
Online degrees and awards
Earn a recognised Masters degree with a university founded in 1495. No need for a career break - you can study flexibly, part-time, online.
Degrees and Awards such as the Health Data Science, Renewable Energy Engineering, Geographical Information Systems, and more.
Academic Services & Online Education
University of Aberdeen
048 University Office, Regent Walk
King's College, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX
Main contact:
Robin Cummins
Head of Online Education
Facility Description
Astrobiology Lab, including Martian Chamber Space Hardware development Lab, Cleanroom
Facility Location
School of Geosciences
Meston Building St Mary's
Main contact for the facility
Professor Javier Martín-Torres
Personal Chair
Email: javier.martin-torres@abdn.ac.uk
Facility Description
Raman Spectroscopy Lab: Offering a multi-laser (514/785nm) confocal micro-Raman spectrometer setup.
Facility Location
Research Corridor
Department of Chemistry
Meston Building , Old Aberdeen Campus
Elphinstone Road
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Professor David Muirhead
Head of School of Geosciences, Personal Chair
Email: dmuirhead@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 274209
Facility Description
Analytical services is part of the Institute's scientific support division. These facilities are available to support research in the Rowett and the College of Life Science Medicine from its suite of analytical laboratories. The service was originally set up to ensure consistency of analyses operated under strict quality assurance guidelines.
Analytical techniques were limited to proximate and automated analytical techniques but as the research programmes of the Institute have developed and changed so has the range of analytical techniques needed to support these programmes. Analytical facilities can now support research in the areas of genomics, proteomics and specialised mass spectrometry.
Staff are available for consultation on any aspect of analytical work from sample collection and preparation to discussion on interpretation of final results. The laboratories provide state of the art equipment and staff are highly trained and experienced in all aspects of analytical chemistry. Methods can be developed or adapted to suit individual requirements.
Rowett Analytical- LC-MS, GC-MS, GIR-MS, ICP-MS. UHPLC, GC-FID, Clinical analysis, proximate analysis
Facility Location
The Rowett Institute
Ashgrove Road West
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
Main contact for the facility
Mr Gary Cameron
Analytical Facility Manager
Email: g.a.cameron@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 438585
Facility Description
The Mechanical and Electronics workshops are based in Fraser Noble and provide support to the entire University. The workshops have state-of-the-art equipment and can manufacture components and carry out mechanical/electrical repairs to a high standard.
Facility Location
Fraser Noble Building (Rooms 023 and 029)
University of Aberdeen - Old Aberdeen Campus
Elphinstone Rd
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Mr Gavin McGarlane
Senior Mechanical Technician
Email: gavin.mcfarlane@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 272533
Facility Description
The National Decommissioning Centre is a global leader in research and development which transforms decommissioning for the energy sector.
The National Decommissioning Centre Industry and research relevant facilities namely:- a real-time simulator with walk-in, 300-degree visual immersive environment, 4 control stations and full real-time real physics - access to and priority use of 420 cores and 500TB of storage of the University's high power computing cluster to allow fast modelling/analysis and data mining/AI development;- one of the most powerful industrial lasers of any academic institution in the UK (15kW);- a hyperbaric testing vessel which can simulate deep ocean conditions to the equivalent of 7000m;- indoor freshwater immersion tank, and a saltwater tank with acoustically neutral walls;- large capacity environmental chambers which allow temperature testing from -40oC to +180oC with controlled humidity;- a vibration table designed to simulate the vibration and shock conditions which automotive, aerospace and subsea equipment may encounter;- hangar space for the design and construction of technologies.
Facility Location
National Decommissioning Centre
Main Street
AB41 6AA
Main contact for the facility
Dr Karen McArdle
Centre Manager
Email: e.karen.mcardle@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 274403
Facility Description
CT scanners offer a powerful non-destructive method for three-dimensional imaging of internal structure for a wide range of samples. Examples of application include analysis of porous rocks, materials research across various industries, detection of corrosion, cracks and flaws, assembly inspection of complex mechanisms and visualisation of biological tissues.
The School houses two high resolution micro-CT Scanners both of which use X-Ray's to perform non-destructive 3D imaging of internal structures. One of these, an Xradia Versa XRM-410 is operated and maintained by the School of Engineering. The high-quality and high resolution 3D CT scanning machine is essential for the research on fluid flow dynamics in Porous Media. The diagram below shows an exampe of how CT scanners are used to create a digitial 3D pore network model from a standard core sample.
The research and development team in digital porous media technology at Aberdeen University have established novel tools and methods, as well as wide applications in geo-materials, energy and environmental research. The School also houses a high resolution 2D Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), the SEM images are suitable for analysing multiscale materials.
Equipment includes:
Facility Location
Fraser Noble Building
University of Aberdeen - Old Aberdeen Campus
Elphinstone Rd
Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
Main contact for the facility
Mrs Jaime Buckingham - Hyman
Email: j.buckingham@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 273905