Gaelic Education Evening - Oidhche Foghlaim

Gaelic Education Evening - Oidhche Foghlaim

This is a past event

Are you interested in learning Gaelic, or are you the parent of a student currently considering University? Join us for a glass of wine and refreshments and learn more about studying Gaelic at the University.

After some brief presentations in English, guests will be invited to speak to members of staff. Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Clì will also be in attendance to answer questions.

A Gaelic Education event for school pupils will be announced later in the year.

For further information, please contact Ashley Powell at or on 01224 273846


A bheil thu airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, no a bheil thu nad phàrant oileanach a tha a’ beachdachadh air Oilthigh an-dràsta? Trobhad airson gloinne fìon agus greim bìdh agus ionnsaich barrachd mun a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh.

An-dèidh taisbeanaidhean beaga ann am Beurla, bidh fàilte air aoighean a bhruidhinn ri luchd-obrach. Bidh Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus Clì a’ frithealadh cuideachd gus ceistean a dh’fhreagairt.

Bidh tachartas foghlaim airson sgoilearan air ainmeachadh nas fhaide sa bhliadhna.

Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Ashley Powell aig no air 01224 273846. 

Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 7