RV Jones Lecture Series: How Advances in Science are Made

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RV Jones Lecture Series: How Advances in Science are Made

This is a past event

Professor Osheroff reveals how he became a Nobel Prize Winner, and what fascinates him about science and nature.

The title of this year’s lecture will be "How Advances in Science are Made". Professor Osheroff will tell his own story, and what fascinates him about science and nature.

Douglas Osheroff was born and raised in the town of Aberdeen, Washington, then a lumber town in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. From an early age young Douglas was fascinated by high voltage electricity and gunpowder. He spent his college years at the California Institute of Technology and gained his PhD at Cornell University in 1972, which is where he and colleagues  David Lee and Robert Richardson discovered superfluidity in liquid Helium-3. Osheroff then spent 15 years at AT&T Bell Laboratories before joining Stanford University in 1987, where he became an award-winning teacher and twice chair of the Stanford Department of Physics.

In 1996 the Nobel Prize for Physics with David Lee and Robert Richardson capped a long list of awards for Douglas, including the Sir Francis Simon Memorial Award, the Oliver E. Buckley Prize, one of the first MacArthur Prize Fellowships, and in 1991, the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching at Stanford.

In the spring of 2003 Osheroff became a member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, the group that investigated the circumstances surrounding the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia on re-entry in February 2003.

Professor Douglas Osheroff
Hosted by
School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen
King's Conference Centre

Lia O'Neil

Email: lia.oneil@abdn.ac.uk or Telephone: 01224273233