
This is a past event

University of Aberdeen,Scotland

14-15 May 2014

Sir Duncan Rice Library, Meeting Room 1 (room 706)


Key Note Speakers:

Susan James (Birkbeck/Princeton)

John Sellars (Birkbeck/Oxford)


The event is sponsored by:

The Scots Philosophical Association

The Schoolof Divinity, History and Philosophy (University of Aberdeen)

British Society for the History of Philosophy

ANR Anthopos (ENS-Lyon)

Brill Academic Publishers




Wednesday, 14 May

9.15-9.30 Coffee and Welcome


Session I

Chair: Mogens Lærke (University of Aberdeen/ CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS-Lyon)

9.30-10.15 Olivia Bailey (Harvard University), Empathy, Care, and Understanding in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments

10.15-11.00 Thomas D. Micklich and Roman Alexander Barton (Humboldt Universitty, Berlin), Transformations of Sympathy: Shaftesbury and Adam Smith between Ancients and Moderns


11.00-11.15 Break


Session II (BSHP essay prize winner)

Chair: Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)

11.15-12.15 J. D. Taylor (University of Roehampton), Collective Bodies, Collective Minds: Reason, Security and Power in Spinoza’s Tractatus Politicus


12.15-14.00 Lunch Break


Key Note

Chair: Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)

14.00-15.00 Susan James (Birkbeck College/Princeton University), Spinoza on Political and Individual Freedom

15.00-15.30 Break


Session III

Chair: TBA

15.30-16.15 Arnaud Milanese (ENS-Lyon), Bacon’s Uses of the History of Philosophy

16.15-17.00 Rodolfo Garau (University of Torino/ Max Planck institute for the History of Science, Berlin), The Sources and Strategies of Hobbes’s Mechanical Doctrine of Self-Preservation


Thursday, 15 May

9.15-9.30 Coffee


Session IV

Chair: Oberto Marrama (University of Aberdeen)

9.30-10.15 Noa Naaman-Zauderer (Tel Aviv University), Self-Experience and the Imago Dei in Descartes and Spinoza

10.15-11.00 Gregor Kroupa (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Truth Through Fiction: History Written by Philosophers


11.00-11.15 Break


Session V

Chair: Peter Zoltan Hartl (University of Aberdeen)

11.15-12.00 Donald Ainslie (University of Toronto), Hume’s Essential Fictions


12.00-14.00 Lunch Break


Key Note

Chair: Christian Maurer (University of Fribourg)

14.00-15.00 John Sellars (Birkbeck and Oxford), Shaftesbury, Stoicism, and Philosophy as a Way of Life


15.00-15.30 Break


Session VI

Chair: Christopher Thomas (University of Aberdeen)

15.30-16.15 Nausicaa Elena Milani (University of Parma, Italy), Cartesianism and Anticartesianism in the Régis-Huet Debate

16.15-17.00 Balint Kekedi (University of Aberdeen), The Role of Animal Passions in the Cognitive Economy of Humans and Higher Animals in Descartes



Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)

Mogens Lærke (University of Aberdeen/ CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS-Lyon)

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