Call for Papers: Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy May 2014

Call for Papers: Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy May 2014

This is a past event

Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy V (SSEMP V)

The Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen

14-15 May 2014

Key Note Speakers:

Professor Susan James (University Center for Human Values, Princeton / Birkbeck College, London)

Dr. John Sellars (Birkbeck College, London / Oxford University)

The SSEMP V is the fifth edition of a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration. We welcome abstracts on any topic in pre-Kantian early modern philosophy (broadly defined, ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the Enlightenment.) We particularly encourage proposals that consider early modern philosophy in relation to other related disciplines, such as theology, intellectual history and/or the history of science. Scholars abroad are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts. Presentations should be in English and approximately 45 minutes in reading length. We make an effort to assure a reasonable gender balance. Please note that the SSEMP cannot provide funding for travel or accommodation.

Abstracts (approx. 150 words) should be sent by email to Professor Mogens Lærke at Do not prepare for blind review.

This year, we are proud to announce the first British Society for the History of Philosophy Essay Prize for graduate students. The winner of the competition will have his or her paper included in the SSEMP program and receive £200 from the BSHP towards expenses. To enter the competition, please send your complete essay (no more than 5000 words) to Dr. Beth Lord at Please include a cover page containing name, title of the essay, email, institutional affiliation, and name and email of your supervisor.

The deadline for submission of both abstracts and essays for the BSHP Prize is 1 February 2014.

For those interested in attending both events, please note that the SSEMP V takes place on the two days immediately following the conference Three Hundred Years of Leibniz’s Monadology organized by Dr. Jeremy Dunham and Dr. Pauline Phemister at the University of Edinburgh on 12-13 May 2014.