Society of Chemical Industry public lecture with Professor Hugh Pennington - "Learning Lessons is Hard; Making Predictions Difficult"

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Society of Chemical Industry public lecture with Professor Hugh Pennington - "Learning Lessons is Hard; Making Predictions Difficult"

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Professor Hugh Pennington is being awarded the Lister Medal of the Society of Chemical Industry of Scotland. In this public lecture, "Learning Lessons is Hard; Making Predictions Difficult", Professor Pennington will discuss e-coli outbreaks and influenza pandemics, and how the treatment of these has been influenced by evolution and history.

The Lister Medal is named after Sir Joseph Lister, the British surgeon who first introduced antisepsis into hospital routine and pioneered the field of bacteriology in the late 19th Century.

The Medal was first awarded in 1944 to Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, and has since been awarded a further 14 times to eminent scientists working at the interface of chemistry and medicine.

Professor Pennington held the Chair of Bacteriology at Aberdeen from 1979 until his retirement with Emeritus status in 2003.

For further information, please contact Professor Russell Howe, Chair of Scotland Section of the SCI, telephone (01224) 272948.

Everyone is welcome to attend, admission is free.