Experimental unfolding and theoretical model in the transition to complex dynamic of a sagged cable

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Experimental unfolding and theoretical model in the transition to complex dynamic of a sagged cable

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A good correlation between the experiments and theory allowed to unfold the complex forced dynamics of a sagged cable triggered by a divergence-Hopf codimension two bifurcation.

A good correlation between the experiments and theory allowed to unfold the complex forced dynamics of a sagged cable triggered by a divergence-Hopf codimension two bifurcation. Exploiting hints provided by a phenomenological reduced order model, systematic investigation of a thermally conditioned experimental setup allows to characterize the most robust classes of motion (in terms of dimensionality and cable proper orthogonal modes) and variable transition scenarios of system response (via bifurcation diagrams and spectra of singular values of measurement results). Features of low-dimensional homoclinic chaos are evidenced. Considering the temperature as a controllable parameter besides excitation amplitude and frequency allows to qualitatively refer the experimental unfoldingof regular and non-regular dynamics to the theoretical unfolding of d-H bifurcation normal form with D4 symmetry.

Professor Giuseppe Rega, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy
Fraser Noble Seminar Room, G035