A Competition Law Analysis Framework for Aftermarket Issues: Focusing on Patent-Generated Anti-competitive Effects

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A Competition Law Analysis Framework for Aftermarket Issues: Focusing on Patent-Generated Anti-competitive Effects

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Centre for Commercial Law (CCL) Seminar Series

In a digital-platform-centered ecosystem, a platform offers multi-digital services that interlink and reinforce the competitiveness of services within the ecosystem, e.g., Apple’s cloud service and health monitoring service. It remains unclear whether the services should be defined as a relevant market or two relevant markets (the primary market and aftermarket), and shall competition law grants the assumption of lawfulness to patent right exercise that aims to exclude competition in the aftermarket. This research argues for a revised competition law analysis framework that relaxes enforcers’ burden of proof and imposes stricter restrictions on the exercise of patent rights in aftermarkets. The framework can foster competition in the aftermarkets by enabling domestic start-ups to enter the markets.

Guest speaker: Dr Shin-Ru  Cheng (Kyoto University)

Dr Shin-Ru Cheng currently serves as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Law and the Hakubi Center at Kyoto University. He earned a JSD from Washington University in St. Louis, an MJur from University of Oxford, an LLM from UC Berkeley, and an LLB from National Taiwan University. Before joining academia, he practiced law in Taiwan for five years and is qualified to practice law in the state of California.

His research centers on competition law with a focus on digital economy-related issues. He has published numerous articles in this field, including “Market Power and Switching Costs: An Empirical Study of Online Networking Market,” “Entry Barriers: The Role of Big Data in The Online Networking Market,” and “Approaches to Assess Market Power in the Online Networking Market.” His recent studies focus on reforming competition policy in the media and artificial intelligence industries.

Dr Shin-Ru Cheng (Kyoto University)
Hosted by
Centre of Commercial Law
Online Event

Please contact Dr Qiang Cai at qiang.cai@abdn.ac.uk if you would like to join the event.