SOPHIA (DRS Women's Network): Events this term

SOPHIA (DRS Women's Network): Events this term

This is a past event

Sophia is a supportive space for women staff and students of all levels who are connected with theology/divinity/religious studies. We have amazing guest speakers from all over the world, we support your studies with workshops and learning events, and we run socials to connect you with other women in Aberdeen and beyond! You’re welcome to join in with us at any point in your studies, even if you’ve never been before.  

Most of our meetings this term will be held on MS Teams, and we’ll be hosting weekly coffee sessions on Wonder, an online gathering space. See the attached poster for full details, dates, and times. 

For access to Sophia meetings, please sign up here (signing up doesn’t obligate you to attend any/all of our meetings, this is just an expression of interest). If you have any other questions about Sophia, you’re very welcome to get in touch with Dr Katie Cross at