Explorathon - Pecha Kucha Night part 2

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Explorathon - Pecha Kucha Night part 2

This is a past event

Hear from the brightest and best of Scotland's researchers at this fun and dynamic event.

Meaning Japanese for "chit chat" this 20x20 presentation format allows presenters to talk to 20 chosen images, each for 20 seconds. In other words, they've got 400 seconds to tell their story, with visuals guiding the way!

Hear from a selection of Scotland's researchers on a range of topics.

This creative outlet began as nighttime get-togethers in Tokyo in 2003 by two renowned architects. Since then, three million people have attended PechaKucha events worldwide.

Hear from a selection of Scotland's researchers on a range of topics, presentations taking place include:

Eleni Giamarellou, St Andrews University - How to Become a Goddess in 3 Simple Steps

Peter Hanlon, Glasgow University - Frailty in Clinical Trials

Nate Cole, University of Aberdeen - Go with Your Gut: How our Gut Microbiota Protects Us from Infections

Simon Jackson, University of Aberdeen - Microbiology

Ana Payo-Payo, University of Aberdeen - Ecology

This event is part of Explorathon 2020, Scotland's participation in European Researchers' Night, a European Commission funded initiative.

