Practical Theology Online Research Seminar

Practical Theology Online Research Seminar

This is a past event

This term our text will be Saving Face: Enfacement, Shame, Theology, by Stephen Pattison (2013). Faces our all around us and are a significant theme in the Bible, think about the ‘face of God.’ Facebook is sometimes rather Fakebook, and shame is seen as ‘losing one’s face.’ Many of us are working with communities who can be said not to have a ‘face’ in our societies. In short, there are many reasons for us to think about faces and theology. In five seminars we will discuss Pattison’s book, which follows the common practical-theological steps to discuss this theme, from practical observations to theological thinking about those practices to suggesting ways to improve practices. Stephen Pattison is a well-known Practical Theologian, until his recent retirement at the University of Birmingham.

Seminars take place online on the Practical Theology organisation space on MyAberdeen. If you are not enrolled in that space yet, please send Dr Léon van Ommen an email ( with your student number (e.g. s1av09). Staff and students from all disciplines are welcome to join, whether you are studying on campus or by distance.

March 26th: pp. 77-112, chapters 4+5