Classics & Patristics Reading Group, Autumn 2017

Classics & Patristics Reading Group, Autumn 2017

This is a past event


Over the autumn term the Classics & Patristics Reading Group will be reading and translating passages from the Latin text of Augustine’s Confessions.  The group will meet on Thursdays, 1.00-2.00 p.m., with the first meeting on 14th September, and the final meeting of the term on 30th November.  The meeting of 14th September will be held in CB203 in College Bounds, that of 21st September in Taylor Building A30, and the remaining meetings of the term in the ground floor seminar room in Humanity Manse, HMG1.  At the first meeting we will read from the beginning of Book VIII, Chapter 1, and will also discuss which passage or passages we will read over the rest of the term.  All interested are welcome.  Any queries can be directed to me at

50-52 College Bounds room CB203