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Given by Professor Michael Havbro Faber, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
Admission free. Please reserve your place or telephone 01224 273233. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in the James MacKay Hall.
The subject of the lecture is optimal integrity management for offshore structures and facilities.Safe and efficient operation of offshore structures and facilities are generally challenged by harsh environmental conditions and difficult access. In addition, damage to structures and facilities caused by fatigue crack growth and corrosion processes accumulate over time and impose risk to personnel, environment and operations. These risks may be managed efficiently through a combination of measures and strategies - including inspections, monitoring, assessments and repairs. To support the choice of strategy, approaches to risk-informed integrity management have been developed and implemented over the last 2-3 decades. In this lecture, Professor Michael Havbro Faber will first provide an outline of the theoretical and methodical bases for risk-informed integrity management. Thereafter, supported by experiences from industrial projects predominantly from the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, he will highlight how these approaches have been applied and point to their strong points and to potential for improvements. Finally, a brief introduction and overview will be provided on the objectives and activities of two ongoing research and development projects related to the topic, namely the Structural Integrity and Risk (SIR) activity within the Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Development Centre (DHRTC) and the COST Action TU-1402 Quantifying the Value of Structural Health Monitoring.
Since November 1, 2015 Michael Havbro Faber is fully engaged in research and teaching in the field of reliability, risk and safety engineering in the newly-established Global Decision Support Initiative (GDSI) at the Technical University of Denmark. Prior to this position he was Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at DTU in Denmark from 2011-2015 and Professor and head of the group on risk and safety at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland in the period 2000-2011.
His research interests are directed on decision theory, life safety investments, risk assessment, resilience, global catastrophic risks, uncertainty modelling, Bayesian probability theory and applied statistics. Application areas include risk- and reliability-informed decision-making for design, assessment and maintenance optimisation of bridges, tunnels, buildings, offshore installations, ship structures, roadway traffic systems and space structures, as well as for management of natural hazards including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, rock-fall and avalanches. His industrial experience mostly originates from COWI, Denmark, Det Norske Veritas, Norway and on-going consultancy work through the specialist consulting company Matrisk GmbH, of which he is a founding partner since 2001.
He has been actively involved and taken leadership in several international committees, including: The Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS); acting vice-president, the International Forum on Engineering Decision Making (IFED); founding and acting president, the ISO 2394 Principles of Reliability of Structures; convener, the international Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Association (CERRA); president, The World Economic Forum, member of Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks, the OECD High Level Risk Forum and the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.
- Speaker
- Professor Michael Havbro Faber
- Venue
- King's Conference Centre
- Contact
01224 273233