Renewable Energy Hydraulics

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Renewable Energy Hydraulics

Vladimiar Nikora, Stuart Cameron, Zaibin Lin, Jan Vinogradov, Dominic van der A, Dubravka Pokrajac

Aiming at achieving Net Zero emissions in the UK by 2050 and contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions globally in response to global warming, the Fluid Mechanics Research Group members work on a variety of research projects in the renewable energy sector, such as hydrodynamics of tidal turbines and its environmental impacts, survivability and hydrodynamics of wave energy converters, and stability and survivability of fixed and floating offshore wind turbines. The group also covers fundamental research relevant to the renewable energy sector, such as fluid-structure interaction and predictions of extreme marine environments.

Recent PhD Projects:

2023-present Billy Colhoun Multi-physics fully coupled model developments and assessments of floating offshore wind turbines
2019-present Nijmeh Marouf Hydrokinetic energy convertors: performance and environmental impact study

Selected papers

  • Chen, H., Xu, Q., Zheng, X., Bennetts, L.G., Xie, B., Lin, Z., Lin, Z. and Li, Y., (2023). Viscous effects on the added mass and damping forces during free heave decay of a floating cylinder with a hemispherical bottom. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 98, pp.8-20.
  • Neshamar, O.E. and O'Donoghue, T., (2022). Flow-induced vibration of a cantilevered cylinder in oscillatory flow at high KC. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 109, 103476.
  • Lin, Z., Chen, H., Qian, L., Ma, Z., Causon, D. and Mingham, C., (2021). Simulating focused wave impacts on point absorber wave energy converters. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 174(1), pp.19-31.
  • Lin, Z., Pokrajac, D., Guo, Y., Liao, C. and Tang, T., (2020). Near-trapping effect of wave-cylinders interaction on pore water pressure and liquefaction around a cylinder array. Ocean Engineering, 218, p.108047.
  • Bayik, B., Omenzetter, P. and Pavlovskaia, E., (2020). Experimental modelling of a top-tensioned riser for vibration-based damage detection. Engineering Structures, 223, p.111139.
  • Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Williamson, L., Nikora, V. and Scott, B., (2019). Predictable changes in fish school characteristics due to a tidal turbine support structure. Renewable Energy, 141, pp.1092-1102.
  • Fraser, S., Williamson, B.J., Nikora, V. and Scott, B.E., (2018). Fish distributions in a tidal channel indicate the behavioural impact of a marine renewable energy installation. Energy Reports, 4, pp.65-69.
  • Lin, Z., Pokrajac, D., Guo, Y., Jeng, D.S., Tang, T., Rey, N., Zheng, J. and Zhang, J., (2017). Investigation of nonlinear wave-induced seabed response around mono-pile foundation. Coastal Engineering, 121, pp.197-211.
  • Fraser, S., Nikora, V., Williamson, B.J. and Scott, B.E., (2017). Hydrodynamic impacts of a marine renewable energy installation on the benthic boundary layer in a tidal channel. Energy Procedia, 125, pp.250-259.