Applied Dynamics and Structures

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Applied Dynamics and Structures

The Applied Dynamics and Structures Research Group is a multidisciplinary Research Group conducting interlinked research in the areas of (i) Dynamical Systems (ii) Sustainable Structures (iii) Renewable Energy and Energy Transition, and (iv) Energy Systems' End of Life, in close collaboration with Centre for Applied Dynamics Research (CADR) and the National Decommissioning Centre (NDC).

Dynamical Systems research area includes both fundamental and applied research on the theoretical modelling of nonlinear systems, nonlinear oscillations, design methods with applications in passive and active vibration control, vibro-impact systems, rotary and percussive drilling, dynamics and control of smart structures, dynamics of machine tools and cutting processes, and precision ultrasonic machining. See projects

Sustainable Structures research area covers sustainable materials and manufacturing, structural optimisation, structural health, condition and performance monitoring, and risk and reliability analysis, with applications in offsite manufacturing and sustainable mass housing, low-carbon seismic resistant buildings, ground anchorage systems, lightweight structures, smart and adaptive aero-structures, offshore structures and building energy efficiency. See projects

Renewable Energy and Energy Transition focuses on the understanding and development of energy systems in the context of global climate change and the transition to renewable and low-carbon energy production, distribution, and integration. It includes areas such as offshore renewable energy, innovative energy harvesting systems, distributed hybrid renewable energy systems, end-user driven design and multi-objective optimisation of energy systems, green hydrogen and utility-scale energy storage systems, energy management systems, virtual power plants, and energy transition scenario development under uncertainties. See projects

Energy Systems' End of Life with a focus on decommissioning, repurposing, re-use and recycling of offshore oil and gas infrastructures and windfarms. This research cluster conducts both fundamental and applied research in the areas of underwater laser cutting, multidisciplinary modelling and data-driven decision making, and smart energy basin. See projects