2014 Publications

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2014 Publications

  • Páez Chávez, J., Pavlovskaia, E. and Wiercigroch, M. (2014) Bifurcation analysis of a piecewise-linear impact oscillator with drift. Nonlinear Dynamics, vol 77, pp. 213-227.

  • Vaziri, V., Najdecka, A. and Wiercigroch, M. (2014) Experimental control for initiating and maintaining rotation of parametric pendulum. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, vol 223, issue 4, pp.795-812.

  • Yan, Y., Xu, J., Wiercigroch, M. (2014) Chatter in a transverse grinding process. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 333, issue 3, pp. 937-953.

  • Cao, QJ., Han, YW., Liang, TW., Wiercigroch, M. and Piskarev, S. (2014) Multiple Buckling and Codimension-Three Bifurcation Phenomena of a Nonlinear Oscillator. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol 24, issue 1, no.1430005.

  • Thompson, J. M. T. & van der Heijden, G. H. M. (2014) Quantified “shock-sensitivity” above the Maxwell load, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol 24, issue 3.

  • Teo, YR., Russell, D., Aphale, SS. & Fleming, AJ. (2014). 'Optimal integral force feedback and structured PI tracking control: application for objective lens positioner'. Mechatronics, vol 24, no. 6, pp. 701-711.

  • Namavar, M., Fleming, AJ., Aleyaasin, M., Nakkeeran, K. & Aphale, SS. (2014). 'An analytical approach to integral resonant control of second-order systems'. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol 19, no. 2, pp. 651-659.

  • Namavar, M. & Aphale, SS. (2014). 'A Modified Polynomial-Based Controller for Enhancing the Positioning Bandwidth of Nanopositioners'. in Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014: (Invited paper) for the session: Advanced Control Techniques for Data Storage and Scanning Probe Microscopy - I.

  • Teo, YR., Russell, D., Fleming, AJ. & Aphale, SS. (2014). 'Improved Integral Force Feedback and Structured PI Tracking Control: Application for High Speed Confocal Microscopy'. in Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014: (Invited paper) for the session: Interactive Session on Mechatronics I. IFAC World Congress, South Africa, 24-29 August.

  • Russell, D., Fleming, AJ. & Aphale, SS. (2014). 'Strategic zero placement for Integral Resonant Control to improve the positioning bandwidth of nanopositioners'. in Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014: (Invited paper) for the session: Dynamics and Control of Micro and Nano Systems I. IFAC World Congress, South Africa, 24-29 August.

  • Russell, D., Fleming, AJ. & Aphale, SS. (2014). 'Simultaneous Optimization of Damping and Tracking Controller Parameters via Selective Pole Placement for Enhanced Positioning Bandwidth of Nanopositioners'. in American Control Conference (ACC), 2014: (Invited paper) for the session: Precision Mechatronics III - Motion Control. American Control Conference, United States, 4-6 June.

  • Ueda. Y. (2014) Basin-filling Peano omega-branches and structural stability of a chaotic attractor. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, IEICE, vol 5, pp. 252-258.

  • Ayaz, B., Allen, A. R. & Wiercigroch, M. (2014) Dynamically Reconfigurable Routing Protocol Design for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networking in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST, Liverpool, UK, 2-4 September 2014