2009 Publications

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2009 Publications
  • Bodai, T., Fenwick, A.J. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Ray stability for background sound speed profiles with transition. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol 19, pp. 2953-2964.

  • Srinil, N., Wiercigroch, M. and O'Brien, P. (2009) Reduced-order modelling of vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser. Ocean Engineering 36(17-18), pp. 1404-1414.

  • Bodai, T., Fenwick, A.J. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) New graphical tools for studying acoustic ray propagation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 324, pp. 850-860.

  • Verichev, N.N., Verichev, S.N. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) C-oscillators and stability of stationary cluster structures in lattices of diffusively coupled oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol 42, pp. 686-701.

  • Du, Y., Lu, Q. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) A new method for characterizing patters of neural spike trains and its application. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, vol 44, pp. 432-440.

  • Han, F., Lu, Q. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Chaotic burst synchronization in heterogeneous small-world neuronal network with noise. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, vol 44, pp. 298-303.

  • Wojewoda, J., Stefanski, A., Wiercigroch, M. and Kapitaniak, T. (2009) Estimation of Lyapunov exponents for a system with sensitive friction model. Archives of Applied Mechanics, vol 79, pp. 667-677.

  • Han, F., Lu, Q. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Complete and phase synchronization in heterogeneous small-world networks. Chinese Physics B 18, pp. 482-488.

  • Wang, S. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Forced oscillators with nonlinear spring: A simple analytical approach. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol 41, pp. 1784-1790.

  • Verichev, N.N., Verichev, S.N. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Asymptotic theory of chaotic synchronization for dissipative-coupled dynamical systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals vo 41, pp. 752-763.

  • Litak, G., Syta, A. and Wiercigroch, M. (2009) Identification of chaos in a cutting process by the 0-1 test. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol 41, pp. 752-763.

  • Banerjee, S., Ing, J., Pavlovskaia, EE., Wiercigroch, M. & Reddy, AR. (2009) Invisible grazings and dangerous bifurcations in impacting systems: The problem of narrow-band chaos. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, vol 79, no. 3.

  • Yong, YK., Aphale, SS. & Moheimani, SOR. (2009) Design, Identification and Control of a Flexure-based XY Stage for Fast Nanoscale Positioning. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol 8, no. 1, pp. 46 -54.