The aim of the Centre is:
- to facilitate and enhance interactions among applied mathematicians, scientists, engineers and medical researchers at the University
- increase interaction between the University on one hand and other universities, industry, and national laboratories on the other
- establish international partnerships, collaborations and alliances
- increase the visibility of the University as a focal point for academic excellence
The main strength of Centre is a harmonious blend of theoretical and the experimentally rich research in a broad spectrum of dynamics including smooth and non-smooth dynamical systems, elastic stability, parametric and nonlinear oscillations, chaos control, classical and quantum relativity, bifurcations, transients and crisis, vibro-impact dynamics, vibration control, nonlinear time series analysis, synchronization, mechanics of supercoiling of DNA, molecular dynamic simulation, percussion drilling, underwater acoustics, spatio-temporal systems, condition monitoring, renewable energy, MEMS, neural networks and neural dynamics, and experimental methods.
A group photograph taken on 27 October 2011. From the left to right: Dr Olusegun Ajibose, Marcin Kapitaniak, Marcos Silveira, Eduardo Mendieta, Vahid Vaziri, Dr Krishnan Nandakumar, Prof Michael Thompson, Marko Keber, Prof Marian Wiercigroch, Andrey Postnikov, Dr James Ing, Dr Ekaterina Pavlovskaia, Mohammad Namavar, Dr Sumeet Aphale, Dr Andrew Starkey, Dr Yang Liu and Anna Najdecka.
A photograph taken on 10th Anniversary CADR International Conference , 21-23 August 2013, Aberdeen, UK