Aberdeen HVDC Research Centre
The HVDC related research at Aberdeen has attracted significant external funding (around £3.6million over period 2007-2015) primarily from the EU and UK research councils (EU FP7, Horizon 2020, EPSRC, SFC, ERDF, Royal Academy, Scottish Enterprise and others). Some further research projects are directly supported from industrial partners (RTE, SSE, ..)
The research activities are based on:
- Professional simulation platforms (PSCAD, EMTP-RV, SimPowerSystems, Saber, DigSilent, ..)
- Real time digital simulator (RTDS),
- Hardware demonstration in the HVDC research laboratory.
- To maintain highest quality nationally/internationally leading research activities related to DC grids, HVDC and wider encompassing power electronics and power systems.
- To provide link between national/EU public research funding bodies and the centre research staff.
- To meet power industry demands for research and consultancy in the above areas.
- To provide highest quality research student training and maintain strong PhD student base.
- To enrich international activities in line with University goals of internationalisation.
- To maintain strong hardware experimental/testing capability in the HVDC research laboratory.
- To support commercialisation activities, emanating from the research projects.