Founded by the University of Aberdeen and The Robert Gordon University in 1996, the KTP Centre has benefited companies and academics in the North East to the tune of £23M
An Aberdeen Engineering company is the successful recipient of the 100th KTP award. CD Limited (CDL) is receiving the award for its novel project which involves developing a laser-based solution to the problem of detecting and locating free-spans in subsea pipeline installations. This is where a pipeline has become suspended over the sea floor for some unintended reason such as from seabed erosion.
CDL's project involves academic support from the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen - Dr Thanga Thevar, will manage the project on a daily basis, and will be supported by Professor John Watson and Dr David Hendry.
Dr Thevar said: "I am delighted to be involved in the 100th KTP award and look forward to working with CD Limited on developing our new technology. The Optical Engineering group within the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen has a proven pedigree in applying optics to problems in subsea technology and we warmly welcome industrial collaborations.