School of Engineering seminars provides invited lectures by leading engineers and scientists working in different areas of engineering.
Upcoming seminar talks:
Dr Edward Chadwick , School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, "Biomechanical modelling in movement and rehabilitation ".
Previous seminar talks:
Professor Russell McKenna , School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, "Energy systems analysis for the energy transition: key research challenges and (some) solutions ".
Dr Mark Fletcher, FREng, ARUP Fellow and, Global Water Leader "Innovation, Engineering and Value ".
Professor Graham Machin , Head of Temperature Standards and NPL Fellow, the National Physical Laboratory,"Current thermometry research directions ".
Professor Peter Stansby , Osborne Reynolds Chair, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester,"The Wave energy converter M4 ".
Professor Jan Sefcik , Head of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde,"Understanding and control of particle formation processes: from nucleation fundamentals to continuous manufacturing ".
Professor Vivek Ranade , School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen's University of Belfast, "Application and Modelling of VoDCa (Vortex based Devices for Cavitation) ".
Professor Peter Davidson , Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, "How do planets maintain their magnetic fields? ".
Professor Alistair Borthwick , Head of Infrastructure and Environment Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, "Uncertainity and Chaos in Environmental Flows ".
Professor Mark Holtzapple , Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA, "Global Warming: An Engineering Perspective ".
Dr Mike Jeffrey , Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, "The hidden causes of volatile behaviour around non-smooth events ".
Professor Cornelia Breitkopf , Techniche Universität Dresden, Germany, "Diffusion and adsorption- Fundamentals and transient measurement methods ".
Professor Godred Fairhurst , University of Aberdeen, "ABE- A Method to achieving low internet latency and high throughput ".
Professor Vladimir Nikora , University of Aberdeen, "A few snapshots of Environmental Fluid Mechanics: turbulence, sediments, and flow-biota interactions "
Professor Valerio Cozzani , University of Bologna, Italy, "External Hazard Factors: a new challenge for Safety Science ".
Professor Dr.Ing-Ing. dr.techn.livre-docente Ilmar Santos , Technical University of Denmark, "Dynamics & control of rotors via active fluid film bearings- An overview ".
Professor Marian Wiercigroch , University of Aberdeen, "Grazing induced bifurcations: Innocent or sinister? ".
Professor Michael Graham , Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London "Aerodynamic problems of offshore windfarm control " .
Professor James Anderson , University of Aberdeen, "Controlling selectivity over heterogeneous catalysts " .
Professor Lifeng Ma, Xi'an Jiaotong University. "Fundamental formulation for residual stress and inhomogenous inclusion problems " .
Dr Magdalena Rucka, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, "Guided wave propagation in diagnostics of structures ".
Professor James Marrow, University of Oxford, "Studying the fracture process zone in a heterogeneous brittle material (polygranular nuclear graphite) by sychrotron X-ray diffraction, computed tomography and image correlation ".
Dr Marwan Fayed, University of Stirling, "Network-layer fairness for adaptive video streaming ".
Dr Amir Siddiq, University of Aberdeen, "Multiscale modelling of deformation and failure process ".
Dr James Winterburn, University of Manchester, "Novel manufacturing routes for bio-based products ".
Dr Xiaodong Wang, University of Aberdeen, "Gold catalysts for sustainable chemical processing ".
Dr Ignazio Maria Viola, University of Edinburgh, "On the fluid dynamics of America's Cup Yachts and similarities with other (renewable) applications ".