School of Engineering seminar: On the fluid dynamics of America's Cup Yachts and similarities with other (renewable) applications

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School of Engineering seminar: On the fluid dynamics of America's Cup Yachts and similarities with other (renewable) applications

This is a past event

The America’s Cup is the most competitive yacht race in the world. The direct and indirect financial impacts of the America’s Cup on the hosting region are only 20% lower than the impact of the FIFA World Cup. Since the 1990s, the most competitive sailing teams have invested about £20 million each year. The talk will present some of the key features of the design of America’s Cup yachts, including recent advances in sail aerodynamics. In particular, wind tunnel tests, numericalsimulations (RANS and DES), and verification and validation for yacht sail aerodynamics will bepresented. 

It will be showed that sails have unique flow features that allow the generation of very-high lift and lift/drag ratio compared to wings and blades commonly used in other fields such as aeronautics and turbo machinery. Interestingly, sails operate at relatively low Reynolds numbers and unsteady flow conditions, where fluid dynamic efficiency is even harder to be achieved. Therefore, understanding the underlying mechanisms of sails’ flow features can foster cross fertilisation of ideas in research fields (e.g. tidal turbine blades) where the employment of similar features can improve the fluid dynamic efficiency.

Dr Ignazio Maria Viola
Hosted by
School of Engineeering
FN3 Fraser Noble building