Workshop: Integrated approaches to X-Ray tomographic image processing

Workshop: Integrated approaches to X-Ray tomographic image processing

This is a past event

This is a workshop and networking event to discuss the processing and image-based simulation of volumetric data, with a focus on X-Ray datasets.

With the increased X-ray flux offered by the proliferation of 3G synchrotron sources, and ever increasing field of view, facilitated by large flat panel detectors, the size of data and the rate of its collection have increased by orders of magnitude in recent years: typical collection rates at high temporal resolution beam lines exceed tens of GB per hour.

The ability to manually reconstruct these transmission images and conduct reliable image analysis is rate limiting as it requires extensive user input and experience. In order to remove this barrier, and to provide the additional benefit of image-based modelling, we believe the integration and automation of the “data pipeline” is required. The construction of this pipeline is a cross-disciplinary challenge as it requires a deep understanding of: the experimental/engineering questions to be answered, the challenges of processing large image data sets, and the algorithmic complexities of coupling image-based simulation domains with predictive models.

This workshop is a networking event to engage academics with expertise in handling and processing volumetric image data sets. Academics with expertise in image-recognition, 4-D tomography on electrochemical devices, and image-based simulation approaches are invited to present their work and discuss future application of their ideas.


Time Title Speaker
1:00 Introduction Dr Marcus Bannerman
1:10 Multi Scale Imaging in 3 and 4 Dimensions using X-ray Tomography Dr Paul Shearing
1:40 IDSMC: Mesh-free molecular-fluid simulations and visualisation Dr Marcus Bannerman
2:10 An outsider's view: an overview of image processing techniques for recognition technologies Dr Richard Guest
2:40 Coffee break/discussion -
3:00 Image-based simulations in porous media flows Prof. Dubravka Pojarac
3:30 DSMC simulations in complex geometries Severin Strobl
4:00 Immersed boundary conditions in Fluidity Dr Jeff Gomes
4:30 Sandwich break/discussion -


Please contact the organiser ( to confirm attendence so that catering can be arranged.

Craig suite, 7th floor, The Sir Duncan Rice Library